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and for this reason I wanted to design Although belonging to different sectors,
one where spending time was a pleasure. I Officine Gullo and Aquazzura share
wanted to reproduce a winter garden that common values in their constant search
was filled with colour, animals, and trees for beauty and perfection in details, a
from different seasons of the year. The signature of Florentine craftsmanship.
walls are all hand painted and Aquazzura’s Andrea Gullo tells us:
iconic logo, the pineapple, is featured on “I had the pleasure of being introduced
the doors and knobs for a whimsical and to Edgardo by mutual friends, but I
personal touch. Creating this means the was well aware of the success of his
kitchen has truly become the heart of my women’s footwear brand. I immediately
home.” appreciated the high-quality details and
The environment was designed based the unmistakable elegance of his creations.
on Edgardo Osorio’s specific needs, to Both of our companies currently boast a
accommodate special moments spent presence in the main international capitals
with family and friends: and our respective customers want almost
“I’m used to organising many private the same thing: unique products capable
events and occasions, and my kitchen is of fully responding to the indispensable
often used for dinners and lunches with needs of functionality and style. I believe
friends who come to visit me in Venice. that the magnificent collection of cooking
Gullo kitchens are beautiful, colourful, appliances that we will present together at
full of unique details and handcrafted in the Fuorisalone in September is the best
Florence. For this reason, it was important homage we could make to the Florentine
that the first project for Aquazzura Casa tradition of artisanal excellence that
was carried out with a company that unites Officine Gullo and Aquazzura.” dw
could create an extraordinary kitchen
environment that above all shared our
30 Issue 246 • dw