Page 18 - Designing Ways 247
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                                  An arched 3D-concrete-printed masonry bridge

               triatus is an arched masonry    Exhibited at the Giardini della   geometry. Concrete can be considered
               footbridge composed of 3D-printed   Marinaressa  during  the  Venice  an artificial stone that performs best
           Sconcrete blocks assembled without   Architecture Biennale until November   in compression. In arched and vaulted
           mortar or reinforcement. The 16 x   2021, Striatus has been developed by   structures, material can be placed
           12  metre  footbridge  is  the  first  of  its   the Block Research Group (BRG) at   precisely so that forces can travel to the
           kind, combining traditional techniques   ETH Zurich and Zaha Hadid Architects   supports in pure compression. Strength is
           of master builders with advanced   Computation  and  Design  Group   created through geometry, rather than an
           computational design, engineering and   (ZHACODE), in collaboration with   inefficient accumulation of materials as
           robotic manufacturing technologies.  incremental3D (in3D) and made possible   in conventional concrete beams and flat
                                              by Holcim.                        floor slabs. This presents opportunities
                                               Proposing a new language for concrete   to significantly reduce the amount of
                                              that is structurally informed, fabrication   material needed to span space, as well
                                              aware, ecologically responsible and   as the possibility to build with lower-
                                              precisely placed to build more with   strength, less-polluting alternatives.
                                              less, Striatus optimises the properties of   Striatus’ bifurcating deck geometry
                                              masonry structures, 3D concrete printing   responds to its site conditions. The
                                              (3DCP) and contemporary design;   funicular shape of its structural arches has
                                              presenting an alternative to traditional   been defined by limit analysis techniques
                                              concrete construction.            and equilibrium methods, such as thrust
                                               The name  “Striatus”  reflects its   network analysis, originally developed
                                              structural logic and fabrication process.   for the structural assessment of historic
                                              Concrete is precisely printed in layers   masonry vaults; its crescent profile
                                              orthogonal to the main structural forces   encompasses  the  thrust  lines  that  trace
                                              to create a “striated” compression-only   compressive forces through the structure
                                              structure that requires no mortar or   for all loading cases.
                                              reinforcement.                      Steel tension ties absorb the horizontal
                                               As the construction does not need   thrust of the arches. Neoprene pads
                                              mortar, the blocks can be dismantled,   placed in between the dry-assembled
                                              and the bridge reassembled at different   blocks avoid stress concentrations and
                                              locations. If the construction is no longer   control  the  friction  properties  of  the
                                              needed, the materials can simply be   interfaces, echoing the use of lead sheets
                                              separated and recycled.           or soft mortar in historical masonry
                                              Strength through geometry           In plan, the boundaries of the structure
                                               Striatus is an unreinforced concrete   form deep arches that transfer horizontal
                                              structure that achieves strength through   loads (for example, from visitors leaning

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