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Theatres. The Department offers both
an undergraduate honours degree and a
variety of post-graduate study options.
Covid devastated and curtailed many
aspects of life, and social engagement
and educational institutions had to
adapt swiftly to keep the academic
project alive during this period. This Hallelujah! By Xoli Norman, 2018, Downstairs Theatre at Wits
impacted curricula, acutely restricting in- Photo credit: Mariola Biela
person engagement so vital to practical
course content, and drove teaching and
learning onto a virtual campus of online of Arts, embarked on a programme of industry, academic research, publications
interaction. Although the pandemic has redesigning the curriculum to embrace and creative outputs.
not abated entirely, certain sectors are a way forward, aiming to produce The Theatre and Performance
beginning to embrace opportunities to graduates who are informed and critically Department are delighted to be back on
foster a return to a form of cultural life aware practitioners and consumers of campus, implementing a modified and
as we knew it. It is exciting to see theatres the arts, conscious of their cultural and exciting curriculum based on a blended
unfurling curtains and carpets, dusting off social environment. Students who enjoy learning model that affords both
auditoria, opening doors and communal intellectual adventure, with an interest in practical engagement coupled with
foyers to plays, music, performance art, the complex challenges and rewards posed technological opportunity and resource
and hosting panel discussions on how by indigenous and globally established for online platform interaction, and
to nurture and sustain new forms of systems of knowledge and practice are celebrates Wits University’s Centenary
theatrical expression. Theatre festivals valued. We strongly encourage critical Year with renewed and revitalised
also shifted to online mediums during debate, independent enquiry and active creative innovative ideas and works!
lockdown, which in turn saw the local and global citizenship through dw
emergence of a new vision to embrace understanding as well as challenging
digital platforms. established conventions and practices.
The Department of Theatre and The Department staff all have visible
Performance, in line with the other eight profiles in the cultural community with
departments within the Wits School regard to their active practice in the arts
Masks used for class after Venetian examples
UNosimelela by Credo Mutwa,
Wits Main Theatre
Photo credit: Mariola Biela
dw • Issue 255 67