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                           Partly Cloudy with a Strong Chance of “Wow”!

                                                   Montréal, Canada

                   ont-Royal Avenue has been   The artwork provides a  unique   Royal, in collaboration with Odace
                   transformed into a 2.5 km   experience that evolves in real-time.   Événements and the Plateau-Mont-Royal
           Mpedestrian-only      zone  this   At night, it emits a glow that changes   borough.             dw
           summer. Additionally, passersby at Place   according  to  12-hour  weather  forecasts,
           des Fleurs-de-Macadam will now be able   while reacting to heat waves, storms,   Technical information
           to look up at Partiellement nuageux avec   rain, sunshine, etc. The piece is a genuine   •   Title: Partiellement nuageux avec de
           de fortes probabilités de « wow »! (Partly   embodiment of atmospheric poetry,   fortes probabilités de « wow »!
           cloudy with a strong chance of “wow”!),   shimmering in an iridescent palette   •   Location:  Plateau-Mont-Royal,
           an installation suspended 30 feet (nine   of colours depending on the weather   Montreal, Quebec, Canada
           metres) above the ground. The piece is   expected. The creators drew inspiration   •   Design: EN TEMPS ET LIEU
           designed to resemble a giant fluffy cloud   from both meteorology and old wives’   •   Collaborators:  Eden  Creative
           that creates shaded zones that slowly   tales that were popular with people who
           move with the motion of the sun.   have a deep connection to the land, such   Studio, Softbox Intégration, Concept
             The concept is a nod to the dichotomy   as farmers. For instance, the belief that   ParaDesign
           of nature and city living, organic life and   observing the sky at sunset and the colour   •   Production: Société de développe-
           technology, meteorological science and   of the clouds could predict tomorrow’s   ment de l’avenue du Mont-Royal
           old wives’ tales. It also symbolises water   forecast.               •   Size: 32’x10’x16’ (9.75 mX3.048 mx
           and two of its states – liquid and gas –   Partiellement nuageux avec de fortes   4.87m)
           and is the perfect complement to the   probabilités de « wow »! was created by   •   Year created: 2022
           multipurpose water square at Place des   the EN TEMPS ET LIEU workshop, the   •   Photographer: Latrompette Studio
           Fleurs-de-Macadam. In sum, its intent is   winner of a design competition launched
           to celebrate and show how important rain   in November 2021 by the Société de
           is in the public space.            développement de l’avenue du Mont-

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