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the pandemic, no ships were arriving
           anytime soon. Admirably undeterred,
           Kleinloog’s  team  undertook what  must
           be the most heart-warming interior
           design journey that has evolved over the
           past two years.
             It  all  began  when  Kleinloog  asked
           designer,  Koos Groenewald of  creative
           studio Jana+Koos: ‘Can you make a rug?
           Actually, can you make art + rugs?’ An
           artist in his own right, he jumped at the
           challenge. It started with just one rug,
           but as he began talking to other globally
           acclaimed, local artists about creating
           contemporary artworks to weave into
           large and colourful floor rugs, the
           excitement was palpable.
             It was soon dubbed ‘the rug         Brabetz Carpet
           project’ and they began to look at rug
           manufacturers who could help realise
           their vision. In the end, they discovered   African weavers to produce these grand   translated beautifully. I didn’t understand
           the  highly  professional  team  of  skilled   creations. Speaking of the rugs: ‘They   the skillset that went into making a flat
           craftspeople at  Brabetz Carpet Mill in   really are artworks in their own right,’   paper work into a luscious and colourful
           Durban. It was high-risk – there were no   enthuse Jana+Koos.        artwork.’
           colour charts, no one was able to visit the   Each suite features one of the artist’s   And Groenewald’s own work? As the
           mill  during  lockdown, and everything   rugs and the main lodge area features the   originator of the project, he is humble.
           was done over video and phone. This was   unexpected ‘Eat Me (Bananas)’ artwork   ‘This artwork of mine was just lying about
           indeed a collaborative form of trust.   by  Paulsen. The  artist  hopes  that  his   in my studio. I would love everyone to
             ‘We started this project in the deepest,   contribution invokes ‘a feeling of joy and   see the cheeky side of this rug – it’s a little
           darkest depths of Covid uncertainty,   happiness’. That it does. All the rugs do,   bit naughty and has a little bit of nudity
           and it was such a spark of joy in such a   in fact.                  in it’ Need we say more?
           dark time. In many ways, the absolute   Marx, a painter who has been working   ‘The result is enchanting,’ says
           fun and frivolity of colour and joy of   with visual language for many years,   Ichikowitz. ‘Our philosophy is to delight
           engagement was so welcome in the   found it interesting to ‘see an artwork   our guests with the unexpected and I
           disjointed,  masked-up world.  At  the   transformed.’ Her artwork is inspired by   believe we have achieved this with our
           same time, it was inspirational to be   ribbons and how they fall to the ground.   new-look luxury interiors and by adding
           planning  for visitors  to  come  back  to   ‘It’s about the power of line,’ she says. ‘We   gravitas to our art collection.’
           South Africa,’ says Kleinloog. Coupled   automatically want to follow lines. It’s   There is no doubt that the new
           with  this,  ‘the owner  has  a  wonderful   so special how Molori encourages us to   Molori interiors invite an immersive,
           spirit of adventure and we were rewarded   slow down in this beautiful space and to   high-fashion experience, one that
           with gems of feedback, criticism, debate   appreciate the artworks.’   is unexpected in the African bush.
           and discussion. Molori means “to dream”   Platter, an internationally acclaimed   Astonishing and fresh, it celebrates
           and, in all honesty, this project has been   visual artist who works in different   the country’s vibrant cultures and
           just that, a dream project!’       mediums, confesses: ‘When I was   love of colour, while pushing creative
             “We collaborated with some of South   approached to work on this project, I   boundaries and raising the bar, proving
           Africa’s most provocative contemporary   was over the moon. Based on  ‘A  Night   that even in the heart of a pandemic,
           artists, who agreed to have their   of  Bliss’,  the  woven  rug  takes  from  the   South Africans are particularly good at
           artworks interpreted and woven into   original and makes it better!’  ‘making a plan’.
           these magnificent rugs,” says Molori’s   The rug journey during the pandemic   ‘It defies all other genres that we see in
           owner, Ivor Ichikowitz. The artists are   was an opportunity to experience   the safari world,’ says Kleinloog. ‘Molori
           Athi-Patra Ruga, Cameron Platter, Jody   something entirely new for many of   now gives an adventurous, spirited vision
           Paulsen, Maja Marx, Nabeeha Mohamed   the  artists,  and  Platter  is  not  alone  in   of a safari – it’s about unabashed joy and
           and Koos Groenewald.               marvelling at the outcome. ‘I thought   humour. And we hope future guests will
             Jana+Koos applied their graphic   the rug was way better than my original   literally be “floored” when they arrive
           design ability and worked with Brabetz   watercolour artworks’ says Cape Town   (excuse the pun),’ she says.  dw
           to skillfully interpret the  artworks   artist Mohamed. ‘It’s a combination
           into digitised patterns, enabling South   of three different artworks. It’s been

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