Page 53 - Designing Ways 258
P. 53
Planners (CIP), and the Canadian Society
of Landscape Architects (CSLA), this
biennual award programme is one of the
top distinctions in Canada.
As commented by the jury, “The strong
and clear ode to Art Deco is highly
appropriate for this urban space in front
of the Outremont Theatre. The careful and
deliberate design, materials, theme, and
patterns create a pleasing outdoor ‘theatre’
where real-life plays out in real-time." dw
Technical sheet
• Client: Arrondissement Outremont,
Ville de Montréal
• Urban design and landscape
architecture: civiliti
• Civil and electrical engineering:
• Contractor: Arthier / Pavatech
• Granite supplier: Polycor
dw • Issue 258 53