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           KOLLEKTIV GESAMTKUNSTWERK : Killian Petracek, Anton V. Schmunk, Marcel Navid Sharifian, Kalieb Johanes, Anh Khoa Ngo, Timur Zhigaylo
           JURY PRIZE

                                  Festival des Architectures Vives 2022

                                                  Montpellier, France

                                                                                     he 2022 edition of the Festival des
                                                                                     Architectures Vives received very
                                                                                Tpositive feedback from the public
                                                                                with the number of visitors at around
                                                                                10,000 people.
                                                                                  The purpose of the Festival des
                                                                                Architectures Vives is to raise public
                                                                                awareness of the broad field of architecture.
                                                                                It strives not only to highlight the work of
                                                                                a young generation of architects, landscape
                                                                                architects, urban planners, but also to
                                                                                discover unexpected urban territories.
                                                                                  Some installations allow interaction
                                                                                with the public. Without leaving
                                                                                physical traces, the FAV seeks to mark
                                                                                the  spirits,  to  initiate  a  global  reflection
                                                                                on architecture and its development in
                                                                                an existing urban context as well as to
                                                                                create a dialogue between contemporary
                                                                                creation and heritage. Mediators, students
                                                                                at the Montpellier School of Architecture
                                                          BOUTEILLE À LA MER    are present at each location and enable
                                                     KOLLEKTIV GESAMTKUNST-
                                                     WERK : Killian Petracek, Anton   visitors  to  better  appreciate  the  course.
                                                    V. Schmunk, Marcel Navid Shar-  The event is free, testifying to this desire
                                                     ifian, Kalieb Johanes, Anh Khoa   to be open to as many people as possible.
                                                            Ngo, Timur Zhigaylo

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