Page 53 - Designing Ways 273
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Bistro sets, lounge chairs and compact
dining tables are just a few examples of
space saving outdoor furniture. Vertical
gardens and hanging planters are also
great options for adding greenery without
taking up ground space. Just because it is
a small outdoor area, doesn’t mean one
cannot have a stylish and functional space
to enjoy.
Accessories to enhance a space.
Accessories are a great way to add
personality and style to an outdoor living
area. Outdoor cushions and solar lighting
Sustainability is a growing concern for are popular accessories that can elevate a
many homeowners and outdoor furniture space, and lighting is especially a great
is no exception. Environmentally friendly addition. Finally, plants and greenery are
options are becoming more readily a must have for any outdoor space, adding
available, with furniture made from colour and life to the area.
recycled materials, sustainable woods and
eco-friendly fabrics. Teak, aluminium and Blind trends for 2024.
PE wicker are commonly used in outdoor 2024 will witness roller blinds
furniture. Environmentally friendly transform into canvasses that narrate
furniture material is also a great option for tales of individualistic style. The surge in
those seeking durability and sustainability. popularity of modern patterns is paving
the way for homeowners to ditch the
Trending colours and materials. drab and embrace the dynamic. We are
Neutral colours and natural materials talking sophisticated geometrics, abstract
are on-trend for outdoor furniture in splashes and patterns that tell stories.
2023-2024. Earthy tones like beige, grey Roller shades are consistently one of
and charcoal are popular for furniture the most popular choices for the best
frames and cushions. Wicker, rattan and window coverings year after year. This is
teak are classic materials that never go because they are easy to use, offer a clean,
out of style, but other materials like metal sleek look and can be designed using a
and concrete are also gaining popularity. wide range of styles, colours, textures and
Aluminium furniture is an excellent patterns to fit a room and design aesthetic.
option for those looking for a modern and
minimalist aesthetic. Regarding cushions What is trendy in window dressing?
and pillows, outdoor fabrics like Polyester Natural materials like jute, bamboo and
and Olefin are durable and fade resistant rattan are popular right now because they
making them ideal for outdoor use. are so versatile. Blinds and shades made
from these materials lend themselves well
Space saving outdoor furniture for small to all types of décor style, so one can use
areas. the same window treatments throughout
For those with limited outdoor space the home without having to change any of
there are plenty of options available. the existing décor. dw
dw • Issue 273 53