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               THE DOG


                                                Glorious comeback kids

                 annas are really old-fashioned   The  plants  can  grow  from  one  to   like growing in large pots. They need
                 plants, and though never     two  metres  high,  with  huge  floppy   moist well drained soil, but manage
           Coff  the  scene,  have  made  a   blooms on the ends of the flowering   to  survive  with  very  little  care.  An
           spectacular comeback in the last   stalks.  Some  of  the  plants  have   American grower states that they are
           five years. Could this be due to good   smaller  sticklike  flowers,  but  they   “deer and critter resistant”.
           rainy summers, or a post-COVID     all  produce  profusely.  The  dramatic
           need for their flashy coloured blooms   leaves grow into a large clump about   They  are often  planted outside
           and huge generous leaves?          80 centimetres in diameter, and can   the  legendary  walls  of  suburban
                                              be anything from bright green, dark   Johannesburg, giving me great joy
           Cannas are not really lilies, despite   green, brown, maroon to striped lime   whenever I see them. A landscaping
           being  called  this.  They  belong  to  a   green and yellow, maroon and green,   friend planted them in a huge swathe
           similar family as Irises, and grow from   or  patchy  brown  and  white.  The   of  different  colours  next  to  a  lake,
           a  rhizome  instead  of  a  bulb. This  is   flowers  have  good  names,  and  one   where they were reflected, and gave
           a long thick root growing horizontally,   South African variety called ‘Pretoria’   double the delight. I hope they stay,
           with shoots growing upwards  out   (also known as ‘Bengal  Tiger’) is a   despite  being  exotic. They  certainly
           of it, whereas  lilies  have  smallish   tall plant with strong orange flowers   live  up  to  this  description,  and  the
           round  bulbs  more  like  onions.  They   on brown flower stems and wonderful   flowers  really  do  look  as  though
           are related to ginger,  turmeric and   lime green and yellow striped leaves.   they belong on Carmen Miranda’s
           Strelitzias. Cannas are indigenous to   Colours range from fuschia pink, to   wonderful headdresses.
           tropical countries like Mexico, Central   spotty yellow, pale cream and peach,
           America and the Caribbean, but have   scarlet,  purple,  maroon  and  more.
           been part  of  the world gardening   They  look  good  along  a  wall,  or  at
           scene since the 1860s.             the back of a wide border, and they   Gill Butler


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                                                                                                Factory / Warehouse / Showroom:
                                                                                               44 Hulbert Rd Cnr Rosettenville Rd,
                                                                                                   New Centre, Johannesburg.
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