Page 24 - Designing Ways 275
P. 24
by Stienie Greyling
n this shifting landscape, hybrid
work flexibility, technology and
Isustainability will continue to
dominate workplace design solutions.
Jobs were once firming rooted in office
buildings, but at present with a hybrid work
model, employees want their office time to
be more purposeful and productive. The
hybrid model supports a blend of in-office
and remote work. Once professionals tasks and improving overall office is becoming a staple in office design.
realised the benefits of remote work, it was experience. Chairs, desks and other furniture pieces
clear it had to stay in some capacity. are designed to support proper posture
Today employees expect more when in Sustainability. and reduce the risk of musculosketal
the office, looking for what they cannot Sustainability is not just a trend - it (locomotor) issues. Ergonomic
access at home. Hybrid work calls for is becoming a norm. The awareness of design promotes employee health and
office space to improve the employee environmental issues is shaping the way productivity.
experience, encourage collaboration and offices are designed and operated. In
help with company growth. 2024 we anticipate more energy-efficient Reconsider Private Workstations.
buildings, recyclable materials and a push Another trend for office furniture
Smart Offices. towards carbon-neutral offices. in 2024 and beyond is the redefinition
As we venture further into the digital Office designs will incorporate energy- of private workstations. As office
age, it is no surprise that technology saving technologies, waste-reduction employees return to the office after
continues to revolutionise how we measures and other sustainable practices. working remotely, they will seek more
work. The ‘smart office’ trend embraces These eco-friendly initiatives aren’t just privacy and personalisation in their
tech solutions to improve efficiency, good for the planet; they can boost a workstations. However, this does not
sustainability and comfort. company’s reputation and attract like- mean that they will isolate themselves
In 2024 expect more advanced minded employees and clients. from their colleagues or the office
integrated systems controlling lighting, culture. Rather, they will look for
temperature and even desk bookings. Ergonomic furniture. private workstations that offer a balance
Also, loT devices and Al technology will As the focus on employee health and between privacy and connectivity
play a more significant role in automating comfort grows, ergonomic furniture such as acoustic pods, cubicles with
24 Issue 275 • dw