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P. 93

               THE DOG

                                                 Soweto Sunday

          I  nvited to Sunday lunch in a Soweto   were very much part of the place.     Series. My host kept hissing ‘Chinese

                                              An enclosed glass space was the
             restaurant, I accepted with alacrity.
                                                                                rip  off’  every  time  another  Gucci  or
           The venue was 1947, a restaurant in   designated cigar room.  The chef,   Vuitton outfit sauntered past.
                                              Junior Kotane, has put together
           Vilakazi  Street. This  was  a  surprise   a  menu which is  a combination of   The  ground  floor  was  reserved  for
           –  a  modern  double  story  building   simple  local  food,  with  dombola   the gogos and children, with bigger
           with lots of big windows, overlooking   (steamed bread), samp, oxtail, tripe,   tables  and  a  noisy  atmosphere.  In
           the Orlando Towers and the Orlando   as well as popular dishes like chicken   keeping  with  the  thoughtfulness  to
           stadium.  The story was interesting;   livers, seafood pasta, surf and turf,   all, a wheel chair accessible loo was
           the owner Lele Ratseko, a self-    peri peri chicken.  There is also a   part of the well-designed interior. This
           confessed ‘township entrepreneur’,   tasting menu with wine pairing from   extended to the outside, where there
           had bought the house when it came   a well-chosen selection of wines.   was a café type space for tables, the
           up for sale, razed it to the ground   Generous helpings were mirrored in   pavement was clean and neat, and
           and  filled  the  plot  with  1947.  The   the generous shaped bodies around   the car guards helpful without being
           name paid homage to the date both   us.  The  service  was  excellent  and   invasive.
           her parents, proud Soweto residents,   friendly, and the atmosphere very
           were  born.  She  openly  says  this  is   buzzy.  I  kept  thinking  that  many  of   It was a cold dusty day, but the
           not a chef-owned restaurant, but is   the patrons had come from Sandton   warmth of 1947, the good food and
           run  on  the  basis  of  good  staff  and   for  the  Soweto experience,  in large   atmosphere made for an interesting
           good systems.                      cars and flashy outfits, accessorised   and comforting Sunday lunch.
                                              with  the  necessary  watches,  shoes
           The  décor  was  light  and  bright,   and of course handbags. It was like
           and  the  gin  bar  and  wine  collection   a township rerun of a Korean  TV   Gill Butler


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                                                                                                         Tel: 011 434 0444,
                                                                                                Factory / Warehouse / Showroom:
                                                                                               44 Hulbert Rd Cnr Rosettenville Rd,
                                                                                                   New Centre, Johannesburg.
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