Page 47 - Designing Ways 280
P. 47

Laminate countertop

           among homeowners and it is not difficult   surfaces are also non-porous, ensuring a
           to see why:                        space that is easy to clean and maintain.
                                               Not only is MARMOLEUM the natural
           •   Quartz is known for its incredible   choice for flooring applications, it is ideal
               durability while also holding lots of   for furniture and wall applications as well.
               aesthetic appeal.              With great features such as durability,
           •   Made from one of the hardest   bacteria resistance, ease of use and colour
               minerals on earth, it is highly   selections,  MARMOLEUM  is  suited  for
               resistant to scratches and stains.  numerous applications.
           •   Unlike  natural  stone,  quartz  MARMOLEUM flooring is made from
               worktops are non-porous, meaning   completely natural materials including
               they don’t need regular sealing and   linseed oil, resins, wood flour, jute and
               are resistant to bacteria and mould   limestone.  It is a tough environmentally
               growth.                        friendly alternative  to  vinyl  flooring
           •   Quartz comes in a wide range of   coverings.
               colours and patterns, including   It  is  available  in  sheet,  tile  or  click
               options that mimic natural stone,   plank style format in a variety of colours
               ensuring the perfect quartz worktop   and  finishes,  including  OHMEX  with
               to go with any unique kitchen style.     improved  electrical  resistance  and
               The uniform colour can give a   Acoustic to reduce impact sound.
               kitchen a consistent and elegant look,   A growing number of schools are
               making these worktops a worthwhile   transforming their classrooms, lecture
               addition to any home.          halls,  auditorium  and  hallway  walls
                                              into vibrant, multipurpose, functional
             Porcelain is another kitchen worktop   surfaces by installing unique fabric wall
           trend in 2024 that due to its many useful   covering systems.
           properties and sleek appearance, is   By adding these wall systems, they are
           quickly gaining popularity in modern   not only personalising and enlivening
           kitchen design. Crafted from highly   drab spaces, but also  improving the
           durable ceramic materials, these worktops   learning environment while eliminating a
           are resistant to wear, scratches and stains,   major source of routine maintenance and
           making them ideal for the demands of   repainting.             dw
           a busy kitchen. Like quartz, porcelain

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