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           Where the Pollinators Are, by Didier Design Studio

               Pollinator and Bird Garden, Designed by Didier Design Studio,

                      Named Winner of International Sustainability Award

                                              State College, United States

                rchitizer  recently announced the   agenda to understand and explain the   in specific, tangible ways, placing science

                 winners of the 2024 A+ Awards,   recent decreases in pollinator and bird   in the forefront in the context of climate
           Athe  largest  awards  programme   populations across the world.     change. There is hope in that action.”
           focused on promoting and celebrating the   Harland Patch, director of pollinator   This  agenda  unfolds  across  the  three
           year’s best architecture.          programming at the Arboretum, and   and a half acre garden and realises three
             Didier Design Studio, a landscape   assistant research professor for the Penn   interrelated goals: to directly convey
           architecture firm based in Fort Collins,   State College of Agricultural Sciences,   and  interpret  scientific research being
           Colorado,  with  expertise  in  all  facets   said, “The garden is unique in that it puts   conducted on site, to offer an engaging
           of design and planning, from vision to   together habitat design and design that is   place for people to learn about pollinator
           completion, was selected as the 2024   accessible and beautiful to humans with a   and bird habitats, and to inspire visitors
           Jury Winner in Architizer’s Sustainable   very diverse mix of plants, many of which   to implement urban habitats within their
           Landscape/Planning category for their   you will not see in any other garden.”  own private gardens. This latter goal has
           project, “Where the Pollinators Are”. This   Understanding and reversing pollinator   the potential to exponentially impact the
           category awards projects that incorporate   species disappearances around the world   spread of healthier ecological networks
           sustainable systems and materials, and   is critical to the continuation of human   across already-developed landscapes.
           which follow best practices pertaining   existence. In the face of environmental   To realise these goals, Didier assembled
           to ethical design, construction, and   and economic disaster, many are left    a team of design experts and framed the
           operation.                         with a sense of powerless inevitability.   project as a collaborative journey with
             The  Jury-winning  project is  the   In response, creative director of Didier   research staff at The Center for Pollinator
           Pollinator and Bird Garden, located at   Design Studio and lead designer of the   Research at Penn State.
           The Arboretum at Penn State in State   Garden, Emmanuel Didier said, “The   Grounded in years of research, the
           College, Pennsylvania. The project is a   Pollinator  and  Bird  Garden  connects   design  approach  transformed a  level
           direct extension of an ongoing research   people with the issue of pollinator decline   pasture to create a diverse set of ecological

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