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About the International Garden Festival
                                                                                  Created at the turn of the new
                                                                                millennium by Marie-Josée Lacroix,
                                                                                Denis Lemieux, Philippe Poullaouec-
                                                                                Gonidec,  and  Alexander  Reford,
                                                                                the International Garden Festival is
                                                                                recognised as one of the most important
                                                                                contemporary  garden festivals  in North
                                                                                America. Since its inception in 2000,
                                                                                more  than  180  contemporary  gardens
                                                                                have been exhibited at Grand-Métis, and
                                                                                as extramural projects in Canada and
                                                                                around the world. Presented at Les Jardins
                                                                                de Métis / Reford Gardens, at the gateway
                                                                                to  the  Gaspé  Peninsula,  the  Festival is
                                                                                held on a site adjacent to the historic
                                                                                gardens created by Elsie Reford, thereby
                                                                                establishing a bridge between history
                                                                                and modernity, and a dialogue between
                                                                                conservation, tradition, and innovation.
                                                                                  Each year the Festival exhibits over
                                                                                20 conceptual gardens created by more
                                                                                than 70 landscape architects, architects,
                                                                                and designers from various disciplines.
                                                                                Over the years, the Festival has received
                                                                                numerous distinctions, including the
                                                                                Hector-Fabre Award (2007), given
                                                                                out every two years by the Ministère
                                                                                des  Relations  internationales  et  de  la
                                                                                Francophonie to an organisation that has
                                                                                contributed to the international renown
                                                                                of its region.              dw
           Festival International des Jardins du Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire, "Bruissement d'ailes"
           Photo credit: Martin Bond                                   

                               Shaza Bazzi, Maëlle Bellemin, "Histoires à tisser"
                               Photo credit: Martin Bond

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