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             Prioritising transformative action and innovation at the Hotel and

                                        Hospitality Expo Africa 2024

                t the 2024 edition of the Hotel and   sustainability  in  hospitality  and its   Executive Officer, The Johannesburg

                 Hospitality Expo Africa, held   influence on decision-making and   Tourism Company.
           Afrom June 11-13 at the Sandton    strategy. As a recent article in Southern   By supporting emerging businesses,
           Convention Centre in Johannesburg,   and East African Tourism Update   particularly those black-owned and
           transformative action and innovation   emphasised, ‘consumers are travelling   women-owned, we actively contribute to
           took centre stage, redefining hospitality   more thoughtfully and making conscious   economic development and job creation.
           across the continent. Featuring a diverse   choices across the entire travel experience.’  This  creates  a  ripple  effect,  leading  to  a
           line-up of speakers and discussions,   Another focal point of the show   more progressive and prosperous industry
           the Expo highlighted the importance   was  on  the  power  of  Small,  Medium  &   for everyone – stakeholders, partners,
           of sustainability, technology, and local   Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) to drive   customers, and the entire community.
           innovation in shaping the future of   innovation  and  propel  the  hospitality   On day one of Hotel and Hospitality
           African hospitality, reaffirming it as the   industry forward. Returning for its   Expo Africa 2024, the opening keynote
           premier platform for driving growth and   third year, the Enterprise Development   address on ‘Exploring the changing
           excellence in the sector.          Pavilion, sponsored by the Johannesburg   landscape of hospitality in Africa’ featured
             “The Hotel and Hospitality Expo Africa   Convention Centre, provided a dedicated   Jeff Blackbeard, Director of Sectors and
           connected brands and decision-makers,   space for SMMEs to showcase their   Markets, Moore Global. As Africa is set
           proving once again that it’s so important   cutting-edge products and services. “This   to be the world’s second-fastest growing
           to create a space where industry leaders   platform links emerging businesses,   region in 2024 for the travel and tourism
           can share knowledge and prioritise   especially black-owned and women-  market,  Blackbeard’s  presentation
           important topics such as sustainability,”   owned enterprises, with key industry   looked at the trends, sustainability and
           said Margaret Peters, Event Manager at   buyers, providing valuable exposure and   technological transformations needed
           dmg events.                        market access. Through this initiative, we   to ensure Africa becomes a vibrant
             Sustainability  was  one  of  the  empower these businesses to flourish and   international destination.
           central conversation points at the   shape the dynamic future of hospitality,”   Also on day one was a panel discussion
           event,  unpacking  the importance of   said Thandubuhle Mgudlwa, Chief   on ‘Unlocking opportunities – City

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