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               THE DOG

                                              Museum of Illusions
           A               in   Rosebank,     There were lots of mirrors – the very   turned it round and round, with the
                Museum of Illusions has
                                              first  one  distorted  me  to  look  like
                                                                                live head in the middle.
                                              quickly.  There is a kaleidoscope
           this is a series of rooms and      a  large  muffin  so  I  walked  on  very   Apart  from  the  mirrors,  there  were
           spaces,  with  different  exhibits  and   you  look  into  with  a  friend  at  the   several  op-art  examples  of  straight
           experiences,  excellent  for  young   other end, and you can turn this   lines being distorted by squares – I
           children.                          to make your faces morph into     remembered the op-art fabrics of the
                                              interesting shapes. An infinity room   70s, in neon colours, which made up
           My 7-year-old grandson celebrated   has so many mirrors that you are   into the wonderful clothes of the time.
           his birthday there, with a lot of friends.   reproduced hundreds of times, and   Revolving discs with one pattern
           The staff took the children in groups   added props like a single balloon or   over  another  created  moiré  effects,
           of  ten  around  the  different  exhibits:   a bunch of flowers become a myriad   and magnetic rulers proved that the
           a revolving passage (you actually   of balloons or flowers.          lines on one side of the picture were
           walk level but the space revolves                                    in  fact  the  same  size  as  those  on
           around you, making you very dizzy   Another one is the ‘chair’ on the   the other,  despite looking longer  or
           and disorientated), an upside-down   floor,  which  seen  from  a  specific   shorter. There were Rubik cubes that
           room where all the furniture is stuck   angle, looks like a chair raised   became snakes, and lots of small
           to the ceiling, and you have a photo   off  the  ground  on  tall  legs.  The   puzzles  fitting  into  each  other  with
           taken of yourself doing a handstand   children loved dancing with their   great difficulty.
           on the sofa, tilting rooms where the   multicoloured shadows projected on
           floor  is  higher  in  one  corner  than   the  wall  behind,  and  standing  half   No food was allowed in the Museum,
           the other, so in photographs you   behind a mirrored wall moving their   so, at the end of their visit, a noisy
           look small in one corner and huge in   free leg and arm which in the mirror   bunch of children were herded down
           the other. There was a building you   made them look as though they were   to Paul’s Ice Cream Parlour, to top up
           ‘climb’ – you actually lie on the floor   floating. A box with a mixing bowl on   their illusory experience with a sugar
           with your feet against the wall and   the  top  that  a  small  head  could  fit   fix.
           in the mirror, this looks like you are   through was fun, with a big wooden
           climbing an outside wall.          spoon that stirred the bowl and   Gill Butler


      Tel: 011 434 0444,
      44 Hulbert Rd Cnr Rosettenville Rd, New Centre, Johannesburg
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