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               THE DOG

                                                St Mary’s the Less

               ohannesburg was established    Undaunted, the church shows none   Afterwards, we were invited into the
               in  1886,  shortly  after  gold  was   of these symptoms, and was glowing   tiny garden outside the church which
           Jdiscovered on the Reef.           with freshly painted walls, a newly   had flowerbeds full of colour, tables
           One  of  the  first  buildings  which  still   repaired roof (thanks to help from the   laden  with  food  prepared  by  the
           stands is an  Anglican Church in   Johannesburg Heritage Foundation),   ladies of the congregation, a special
           Jeppe, St Mary’s the Less.         gleaming brass fenders in front of   birthday cake iced with an image of
           Designed by Arthur Reid, purportedly   the nave,  and  the  interior  cleaned   the church which was ceremoniously
           the first architect on the Rand, it was   and polished and shining with joy   cut by the Bishop, the children
           erected in 1889, and extensions were   and pride. The wall behind the altar   passing cool drinks and bottles of
           added in 1897, 1904 and 1908. On   is a special blue in honour of Mary,   water to anyone who did not want the
           September 8th this year, this church   representing the heavens, spirituality   tea or coffee also on offer.
           celebrated its 135th birthday, a truly   and inner peace.
           historic  event  for  Johannesburg.  It                              The one thing they had not managed
           was  first  named  St  Mary’s  Church,   The  Bishop  of  Johannesburg  to get into working order for this
           but  when  Johannesburg’s  new  St   celebrated the service, part of   special  day  was  the  organ.  This  is
           Mary’s Cathedral (designed by Frank   which was a processional, led by   a project which will be tackled in
           Fleming and Herbert Baker) was     the Bishop in his mitre and with his   the near future, and I hope to be at
           consecrated in 1929, the original   shepherd’s  crook,  followed  by  the   a service when the organ is back
           church was renamed St Mary’s the   resident priest, the servers, incense   at  work.  Original  music  sheets  and
           Less.                              bearer and the entire congregation,   hymn books were put out in front
                                              out the side door of the church into   of  the  imaginary  organist,  but  the
           The birthday service was wonderful.   the street, down the road and back   music for the service had been
           The church was full of congregants   in  through  the  main  entrance  door   recorded  and  was  played  though  a
           who  have  been  faithfully  attending   at the back. Curious onlookers kept   giant speaker next to the organ, an
           for generations, and who now come   a  respectful distance, and once we   appropriate mix of old and new.
           from further afield than Jeppestown,   were all back inside, the service
           an  area  which  is  suffering  from   continued.
           serious urban decay and neglect.                                     Gill Butler


      Tel: 011 434 0444,
      44 Hulbert Rd Cnr Rosettenville Rd, New Centre, Johannesburg
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