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               THE DOG

                                              The Luck of the Irish

           The Shamrock is the symbol of      of luck in art, literature and popular   Finding a four-leaf clover demands
           Ireland.  This is a three-leaf clover   culture.  It  was  like  the  Christian   patience, and a good eye. Look for
           symbolising Faith, Hope and Love.  cross, representing the four gospels   a thick patch of clovers (they grow in
                                              of  the  Bible.  The  early  Egyptians   most of Johannesburg’s parks, in the
           The  four-leaf  clover  is  different.  It   gave four-leaf clovers to brides to   lawns), bend down and concentrate.
           has the added symbol of Luck. You   bless their marriage. Eve took a four-  Often the fourth leaf is from another
           can find four-leaf clovers in a normal   leaf clover from Eden as a reminder   plant, lurking with a three-leaf. My
           clover patch, but rarely.  There is   of paradise, a link to a perfect past   mother  had  a  German  friend  who
           only one four-leaf clover for every   and love. It is a reminder to stay   said “they just leap into your eyes”.
           5000 shamrock leaves.  Apparently,   present, to look for blessings in   Once  you  do  find  one,  look  in  the
           there are more four-leaf clovers in   everyday life, to slow down and pay   same place, and you may find others.
           Ireland than anywhere else – hence   attention, to be grateful for the small   You could even find a five-leaf clover.
           the saying “the luck of the Irish”. This   and valuable things in life.
           clover represents positive values and                                If you do find a four-leaf clover, and
           aspirations, but is also imbued with a   From a botanical point of view, clover   give  it  to  a  friend,  your  luck  will  be
           sense of magic and mystery. It gives   is the perfect low maintenance lawn.   doubled. There is a valuable saying:
           protection from evil spirits, bad luck   It improves the soil health without the   “a good friend is like a four-leaf clover,
           and negative energies. Obviously, it   need for fertiliser, attracts beneficial   hard to find and lucky to have.”
           is the ultimate symbol of good luck.  insects, keeps weeds at bay, is
                                              drought tolerant, and does not need
           Originally  a  religious  and  mythical   mowing.
           symbol, it became a secular emblem                                   Gill Butler


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