Page 46 - Designing Ways 246
P. 46
Two lighting factors that boost employee productivity
hether you work in a large- The ability to customise their desk light Mid-range bulbs work well in
scale corporate office or a makes employees feel comfortable because conference rooms where employees need
Wsmall start-up environment, they don’t have to strain their eyes or face to engage with others. Low-temperature
lighting plays a pivotal role in your daily a glare. This reduces the risk of headaches bulbs are best suited for break rooms
life at your job. The obvious benefit of and promotes a productive performance. where employees relax and drink coffee
having good lighting at work is that it or eat lunch during their off time. dw
enables you to see better, but do you know Colour temperature
the impact it has on your productivity and The human body is incredibly sensitive
well-being? to sunlight and our internal wake/sleep
Studies show that one of the most clock, the circadian rhythm, is directly
common complaints of office workers related to it. The bluish-white light of
surveyed was the quality of lighting in natural daylight signals to us that it’s time
their office. It was noted that two simple to be active and alert while the warm
things improved the way they felt at work yellow light of the setting sun lets us know
and increased their productivity. that it’s time to slow down and prepare for
a night of rest.
Control That’s why installing light bulbs that are
A well-lit office makes employees feel a similar colour temperature to natural
comfortable and happy while they go daylight makes employees feel most alert
about their work. Having ample lighting and productive. The colour temperature
for task-oriented activities is important of lighting is measured in Kelvins. The
but it goes beyond just having bright lower the Kelvins the warmer the light,
ambient lighting in the room. Employees the higher the Kelvins the cooler the light.
want task lighting that they can control. Anything 4600K and above is
Desk lamps with a dimmer switch and considered a high colour temperature,
swivel neck give people the flexibility to anything 3100-46000K is a mid-range
control the brightness of illumination in colour temperature, and anything 3000K
their workspace as well as the direction or less is a low colour temperature.
of light. This is helpful when switching High-temperature bulbs are best used in
between different tasks that require brainstorming rooms where employees
different levels of illumination. need to come up with ideas and strategies.
46 Issue 246 • dw