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satisfaction with the office. Just 47 of the workforce feel overwhelmed
percent say they are satisfied with by a huge mental load.
their office today. 7. Sociodemographic and household
5. Quality of life is not fulfilling profiles are having a strong impact
without a rich social life; it is not on the work from home experience.
only about time management. Sixty- Fifty-seven percent of Gen Z workers
one percent of the workforce are feel under pressure; half of them are
craving ‘real’ human interactions worried about their jobs.
with colleagues. 8. An outstanding office is the best way
6. Long-lasting homeworking is hiding to have your people back. Sixty nine
a heavy social and mental toll. percent of people highly satisfied
More than ever before, companies with their office environment
are being held responsible for the strongly miss their office. dw
physical, mental and social health of
their employees. Forty-eight percent
dw • Issue 246 51