Page 52 - Designing Ways 246
P. 52
A corporate project by Vives St-Laurent
pslock is a space designed for defines the reception area. Not needing a
the company of the same name, formal reception, we step into a friendly
Owhose mission is to implement office that goes beyond conventions.
pragmatic solutions to limit accidents The office also includes a closed work
and risks to workers in an industrial room and a meeting room that can
environment. The platform set up by young accommodate eight to ten people as needed.
Montrealers is expanding rapidly thanks Open-plan workstations make use of felt
to the popularity of the use of mobile dividers for privacy between employees.
applications in professional settings. The partition separating the kitchen
Our mandate consisted of the planning from the work area allows privacy and
of a 3000-square-foot commercial suite divides the main uses of these areas which
located in the Mile End of Montréal. require concentration on the one hand
Customers had the idea of creating an and more active activities on the other.
accessible and comfortable environment, The addition of a glass wall in the cafeteria
reflecting their corporate values of also divides this area while providing
transparency. users with natural light.
Upon arrival at the Opslock offices, The use of white painted steel, wood,
visitors have access to two meeting felt and coloured cork creates a neutral
rooms that can accommodate four yet playful atmosphere. Warm tones are
people. A rental system allows for good in fact used to cover the interior walls
management of spaces, so that they of the meeting rooms. The frosted glass
are used to their full potential. The lighting fixtures diffuse a soft light and
integration of custom-made wooden are reminiscent of the cosiness of the
furniture provides functional storage and residential environment.
52 Issue 246 • dw