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Design Joburg Collective
Summer edition 2021 is here
esign Joburg Collective’s debut outdoor layout, organisers have carefully
in Kramerville this June was planned their exhibits, installations,
Dproof enough that Media 10’s talks, pop-ups and activities accordingly.
innovative new approach to satiating the Think: ice cream, iced coffee bars and
appetites of décor and design devotees wine tastings to the sound of live music
was a winning formula. by buskers (and even some famous local
They’ve wasted no time in announcing musos). Furthermore, the ever-popular
their next ambitious move - Design Fourways Farmer’s Market will be present
Joburg Collective: Summer Edition for scrumptious sit-down meals, a wide
(#DJC21Summer), once again backed by choice of liquid refreshment and fresh
headline sponsors Sanlam Private Wealth. takeaway arts and crafts.
This new iteration, from the 28th to the The two sister-districts, 44 Stanley
31st of October 2021, has been extended and Victoria Yards, will also be hosting main hub of Kramerville and the satellite
to four days in celebration of a buoyant various art exhibitions and activities. locations is also on the cards. Keep an eye
décor and design landscape. Combine this with FNB Art Joburg Open on Design Joburg’s social media platforms
Design Joburg Collective’s geographical City, Design Joburg Collective: Summer for updates.
footprint has also expanded, to include Edition promises to be a city-wide #DJC21Summer is poised to set the
satellite sites at Victoria Yards and 44 celebration of culture and creativity! bar even higher this season. Celebrating
Stanley. In addition, FNB Art Joburg Visitors are reminded of the the local and global design industry over
Open City will be exhibiting concurrently complimentary tuk-tuk service that four days with an innovative, interactive
across 26 complementary art galleries will ferry you around Kramerville. In and outdoorsy creative showcase… this is
and institutions around Johannesburg. addition, the trade and public are invited the summer edition that Joburg has called
October promises to be a real ‘moment’ to join one of the new walking tours put out for! dw
for South African design and art. together that will make digesting all the
Taking full advantage of the warmer industry highlights and new releases a
weather and Kramerville’s indoor- breeze. A shuttle service between the
56 Issue 246 • dw