Page 59 - Designing Ways 246
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My favourite inspirational quotes are: “I order to support my children and become The next step is working towards the
paint flowers so they will not die” – Frida a successful artist. opportunity to have a solo exhibition
Kahlo - and “Action is the foundational With many days of tears flowing, I where I can showcase all my ladies and
key to all success” – Pablo Picasso. knew that, unless I persevered and made flowers. It is something I have visualised
I am a free spirit. And I love being my the most of each day and painted, there for many years and I believe it will happen
unique self. Therefore, I love to have my was no other way I was going to achieve soon.
art be purely me. I think my paintings have my independence and fulfil my dreams. My work can be viewed online on
their own soul. They portray my passion It was there where I made the decision my website and at various galleries
and love for life and femininity. I love my that it was inevitable, and that I will achieve throughout South Africa as well as at
paintings and have an intense feeling of what I want. I will PAINT and I WILL sell! Atelier Louis in Belgium. dw
gratitude when I look at them, the talent This became my daily affirmation. I’ve
I received from God that ultimately saved always said, if you believe, and do what you
my life. That’s how I feel. are good at, never give up, it is inevitable
I love to experiment with my brush that you will become successful.
and palette knife. I am not afraid to try I would like to be an inspiration to
out a variety of styles and techniques other single moms. Every time you see
and mainly oil paint. The softness, one of my portraits, feel the positive
transparency of the paint and the way the influence, feel the encouragement. Don’t
different colours mix is what fascinates allow yourself to give up and follow your
me, which allows me to paint with bold passion in life, create your future.
and self-assured brushstrokes Remember, dreams do come true! I
As I am a South African artist with am now a successful artist and own my
a Dutch heritage, my drive is very own studio in the Cape Winelands, my
strong! From the start, I had a mission, paintings have become very popular and
a passion and a deep longing to become are selling internationally allowing me to
independent from my ex-husband in care of myself and my children.
dw • Issue 246 59