Page 16 - Designing Ways 248
P. 16


                                               Charrisse Johnston
                                                 Director and Chairperson

             As I write this, it’s almost Thanksgiving Day – an American   South Africans rally with resilience and creativity.
           holiday that my Chinese family never made a big deal of when I   Let’s close out this year with optimism. Let’s try our absolute
           was growing up, but which resonates with me today more than ever.  best to be kind to one another. And let’s focus on the good rather
             We began this year still in shock, living in a world knocked   than dwell on the negatives, because there really is so much to be
           akilter by unimagined forces. As we near the end of 2021, many   thankful for, if we look beyond ourselves.
           of us have learned to adjust financially, emotionally, socially,   Wishing you all the happiest of holidays and a joyful New Year!
           medically. It hasn’t been easy, but time and time again, we’ve seen

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