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P. 54


               Andy Jamieson

             By Haidee Muller-Isaacs

                  ealth comes from the soil, is what
                  Andy Jamieson firmly believes.
           HThis advocate for permaculture is
           of the opinion that every one of us can, in a
           modest way, play a role in living sustainably
           and in harmony with nature.
             While travelling through Europe in his
           early twenties, Andy was very impressed
           with the eco-villages he saw, especially
           Findhorn in Scotland. Now he has created
           a productive ecosystem at his home in
           Kalk Bay where everything works with
           nature, and not against it.
             The green lifestyle at Findhorn
           immediately  fascinated  him,  says  Andy.
           “Even those years I was already interested
           in permaculture and worked as a
           volunteer in their gardens. That was my
           first brush with permaculture.
             “One of the co-founders of Findhorn,
           Eileen Caddy, used to say that she
           communicated with the soul of the plants
           and that’s why they were growing so well.

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