Page 47 - Designing Ways 268
P. 47
7 Elements of
décor & design
Side View
Photo credit: Edmund Sumner Photo credit: Vinay Panjwani
metal structure. Windows are provided interact, and revive the connection lost • Architecture Firm: andblack design
on the bottom half of the form for air during the pandemic. studio
circulation, and a unique window panel Although a diverse team of amalgamated • Principal Architect: Jwalant
is designed to pivot along its central axis; designers, digital fabricators, and local Mahadevwala
aligning seamlessly with the tessellated craftsmen brought the project together, • Structural Consultant: Schafbock
structure. it became truly interactive when artists design+workshop
painted “Gond” on the outer surface, a • Lighting and Interior Design:
Services traditional painting technique from a Abhay Mangaldas
To support a multi-functional space, remote village in India, with mythological • Product sold by Darwin Projects
Darwin Bucky is accompanied by an characters as a commentary on today’s • Silver Award, Design Intelligence
in-built lighting system, audio-visual society. dw Award (DIA) 2022
set-up, exhibition framework, and air- • Bronze Prize, Universal Design,
conditioning system. All services are Technical sheet Design Educates Awards 2023
integrated to develop a unique structure, • Client: Abhay Mangaldas, Founder,
adaptive to any climatic condition. Darwin
Darwin Bucky redefines the practice of City Sqaure (Render)
architecture as a product. It enables the Photo credit: Darwin Projects
investor to capitalise on today’s expensive
real estate by organising a variety of
events at the same space, or reusing the
same enclosure at multiple locations. The
system’s adaptability allows the designer
to develop multiple iterations by adjusting
the size of 12 metres or 18 metres, and
by forming a single unit or multiple
interconnected units.
During the process of constructing this
unusual form, fabricators and installers
acquired new skills and expanded their
expertise. Furthermore, while using
Darwin, an artist can create a variety
of configurations of the display, stage,
and audience interactions, and let the
audience experience a new sight on every
visit from this versatile space. The project
thus becomes a positive activity generator
where the community can come together,
46 Issue 268 • dw dw • Issue 268 47