Page 95 - Designing Ways 268
P. 95

A glimpse to the belle of the
 ball in the Christmas section
 , the Water Closet seat. The
 base was made utilising a
 discarded metal drain cover
 upon which a WC fitting
 found on site was lodged.
 Various paraphernalia
 from the donation drive has
 been tactfully assembled to
 embellish the same. It’s the
 best seat in the house in our
 opinion and truly from where
 we believe the best ideas are
 conceived too!

             The flooring is a mishmash of discarded samples that have been assem-
                bled in a Tetris-like fashion, procured from ceramic, tile stores, and
             active sites of fellow designers in the city — each sample measured, and
              every segment ideated individually while it forms an integral part of a
                                            larger visual tapestry.

 a Tetris-inspired fashion. A patchwork collage of discarded wallpaper
 swatches creates a riveting backdrop to the food counter, imbuing   The focal wall behind the
 it with an interplay of colour and pattern. The focal collage wall is a   Christmas table is a collection
 mishmash of e-waste, sanitary fixtures, and discarded furniture that   of e-waste, sanitary fixtures,
                    discarded furniture, and
 resembles a whimsically imagined jigsaw of waste.  bits and bobs that have been
                    pieced together to reimagine
 Project BigTop is the beacon of a pressing environmental message, yet   it as a haptic jigsaw. The core
 it garbs itself in an artistic mien, while revealing its identity to its end-  intention was to ensure that
 users. It is a space for misfits, where oddities belong serendipitously!  the waste in its originally
                    dishevelled form now assumes
 dw                 the aura of a curated artistic
 Furniture ArtTechnical sheet  sculpture, wherein each object
 •   Official Project Name: Big Top  has been carefully made a
 •   Size: 2,134 Square Feet  constituent element in the
 •   Location: Bangalore Creative Circus, Yeshwantpur, Bangalore,   larger picture, with some ele-
                    ments that can be functionally
 India              utilised.
 •   Client: Bangalore Creative Circus
 •   Design Firm: Multitude Of Sins
 •   Principal Designer: Smita Thomas
 •   Collaborators: Metal Art: Mechanimal, Rahul KP,  Light and
 Tape art:  Layer  Tape,  Nithin  Sadhu,  Graphic Artist:  Rahul
 Chacko, Wall Art and Graffiti Artist: Shunnal Ligade, Furniture
 Art: Kamesh Bhagatji
 •   Project Completion: January 2022
 •   Photographer: Ishita Sitwala

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