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               THE DOG
                                    SAPO – South African Post Office

                he   South  African  postal   delivery base, and printing beautifully   Office was closed, so the box delivery
                service started in 1500 when a   designed  stamps  for  actual  letters. A   was moved to Hyde Park.
           TPortuguese ship’s captain left a   postal box service also existed along
           letter under a milkwood tree in Mossel   with street deliveries. Street deliveries   I optimistically went to Hyde Park, and
           Bay, reporting the loss of three ships   were part of life – brave posties having   was shown through a grotty door into
           in a storm off the Atlantic Coast. This   to run the gauntlet of suburban dogs   the sorting room – a dungeon inside
           letter was delivered to Portugal three   terrorising them daily. During a major   all the boxes, where two valiant ladies
           months later. I received a letter from   postal delivery strike in 2013, property   sort the mail and put the letters into
           Canada  on  the  17th  July  2023  that   owners were able to go to their local   the relevant pigeonholes. They were
           had  been  airmailed  on  the  21  April   post  office  to  find  their  letters,  with   surrounded  by  crates  of  letters.    A
           2023. What is new?                 the  help  of  the  faithful  posties.  I   crate for my number sequence  was
                                              remember going into a cavernous   located, and two precious  letters
           From  1792,  there  was  a  post  room   room behind the Parkview Post Office   found (one of which was the delivery
           at the Castle in Cape Town, in 1815   and being directed by the delivery man   from  Canada).  I  was  then  allocated
           a Mail Boat postal service between   (recognising me from my dogs?) to a   a  new  box,  the  old  lock  was  fitted,
           England  and  Cape  Town  was      crate of letters, where I found my mail.   opened by the same key,  and  with
           established.  In  1905  the  Cullinan                                nearly  the  same  PO  Box  number.  I
           diamond  was sent to London  as a   With  the  increasing  use  of  emails   was instructed not to change my old
           normal postal article. In 1911 the first   and the internet, deliveries to homes   number; the amazing ladies would
           airmail  letter was delivered  after a   almost  ceased.  By  the  same  token,   know which box to put my mail into.
           seven-and-a-half-minute  flight  from   postal box facilities also ground to a   Astonished, and, knowing  that the
           Kenilworth to Muizenberg.          virtual halt. My own longstanding PO   Post  Office  was  put  into  Provisional
                                              Box  suffered  a  double  blow  –  firstly   Liquidation in April 2023, I am holding
           The  Post  Office  has  been  a  national   that Post Office was closed, and the   onto this tiny ray of hope that it might
           institution for decades, as an early   box deliveries moved to the Rosebank   survive and grow again  into the
           savings bank, holding savings accounts   Mall.  Tricky,  as  you  had  to  pay  for   excellent institution it once was.
           for all, from pensioners to small boys   parking  just  to  get  your  mail,  unless
           bringing a tickey a week to save for a   you could do a quick 15-minute dash.
           new bicycle, providing a postal service   Then disaster  – the Rosebank  Post   Gill Butler


          Tel: 011 434 0444,
          44 Hulbert Rd Cnr Rosettenville Rd, New Centre, Johannesburg
          PO Box 39799, Booysens, 2016
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