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            Duka for QC Terme

              Duka expertise at the
                   service of the

                   hotel industry

                  C Terme is the largest Italian
                  group in the wellness sector
           Qand chooses the high quality of
           Duka shower enclosures to provide an
           experience of pure comfort. In particular,
           this concerns the apartment suites of Villa
           Bagni di Bormio, a residence immersed   QC Termegarda Spa
           in the majestic park of Bagni Nuovi,
           and some rooms of QC Termegarda, an
           enchanting resort with spa set between   This makes Duka the ideal partner for   these factors contribute to an even more
           Verona and Franciacorta.           designing hotel venues.           comfortable experience for guests during
             One of the main objectives of any   Thanks to the certified reliability and   their stay.
           hospitality establishment is to create a   high technical and functional performance   For Villa Bagni di Bormio and QC
           bathroom environment that combines   of the Duka shower enclosures, facilities   Termegarda Spa, models from the high-
           refined design, functionality, comfort   dedicated to hospitality  and wellness   end collections acqua 5000, gallery 3000
           and safety to offer a luxurious wellness   can, in fact, count on an excellent, safe   and libero 4000 were selected. The models
           experience for guests. Duka offers   and long-lasting product. The design,   fit harmoniously into the wider interior
           customisation  possibilities,  meaning  aesthetic research and attention to detail   design project thanks to their aesthetic
           solutions created ad hoc to solve any   that characterises each solution also add   purity, innovation, perfect ergonomics
           architectural or space optimisation need.   value to the bathroom space. Indeed,   and accessibility.

                                      QC Termegarda Spa

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