Page 43 - Designing Ways 273
P. 43

Villa Bagni di Bormio

           The  advantages of  Duka  shower   the metal components of Duka shower   brilliance that will last over  time, Duka
           enclosures for hospitality         enclosures are glued flush with the glass   has  two specific  glass treatments  in  its
             All Duka shower enclosures ensure   (tempered safety glass) by the UV adhesive   catalogue: ProCare and Protect. ProCare is
           ease of installation to facilitate the work   technology, so that the surface is smooth   the technical treatment of glass, obtained
           of the installer. They are also easy to   and free of holes – for easier cleaning.  through  a  special  magnetron  process  to
           clean  in  order  to  ensure  daily  hygiene   Moreover,  in  models  with  a  sliding   apply a layer of metal oxide to the glass
           within the shower space, and maximum   opening, the sliding elements are   that allows water to slide off, limiting the
           durability. These are fundamental aspects   releasable for easy cleaning, also between   deposit of residue. Protect, on the other
           for hospitality environments, where the   the glass panels!          hand, is an innovative system whereby
           frequency of use is greater and the user   In  order to  achieve the best possible   glass is given a protective coating. With
           type  is always  different. Furthermore,   aesthetics and offer a transparency and   Protect, the tempered safety glass is
                                                                                provided with a water-repellent coating.
                                                                                The properties of the coating ensure that
                                                                                water, and with it dirt, can roll off the
                                                                                glass more easily. This greatly reduces the
                                                                                accumulation of dirt and lime scale.  dw


                                                                       Villa Bagni di Bormio

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