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              A.H. Beard China

                Flagship Store

             A dream of light born in

               the blue wilderness

                .H. Beard Mattress, a century-old

                 ingenuity enterprise originating
           Afrom Australia, aims to provide
           a quality sleep experience, adhering to
           the viewpoint of the art of carving to
           create  every  mattress,  always adhering
           to the brand concept of nature, health,
           and comfort, and providing high-end
           quality products and services for global   Designer,
           customers. Updating the user experience   Jia Huainan
           and display concept, A.H. Beard
           launches a new store image system, its
           latest showroom design in Shanghai by                          Jia Huainan
           FARNEAR DESIGN. Chief designer Jia
           Huainan Jia takes the lead, focusing on
           the trend and matching the characteristics   Founder & Chief designer of FAR-  of A-cero, the world's top superstar lux-
           of the brand, introducing the innovation   NEAR(Shanghai) DESIGN Consulting Co.,   ury house DESIGN company, and joint-
           of curatorial art into the commercial retail   Ltd                     ly founded FARNEAR&A-cero Design
           space, integrating the creative design of   Co-founder of VENICE ARCHITECTS&-  brand, which integrates the high-end life-
                                                  FARNEAR DESIGN
                                                                                  style and ecological concept of Europe and
           the space and the commercial tone of   Co-founder of FARNEAR&A-cero DESIGN  Spain, and combines with Eastern nature
           the high-end brand, choosing aesthetics   CCTV-2 "Space Model" TV programme   and humanity. Dedicated to providing top
           from the brand culture, and enriching   highlights recommended designers  living space design, soft decoration and
           the new experience of the exhibition hall   Member  of  the  International  Design  Com-  exclusive services for the wealthy class
           interaction with the resonance hidden in   mittee of CEIDA China Europe Internation-  in Asia, and is committed to exploring a
                                                                                  beautiful lifestyle of harmonious coexis-
                                                  al Design Association
           the details.                           China's leading designer of international   tence between man and nature.
             The entrance of the exhibition hall uses   luxury home design. With many years of
           a large area of curved floor-to-ceiling glass   cross-field design experience, Jia Huainan   About us
           to blur the boundary between indoors and   has won the American Interior Design mag-  Farnear (Shanghai) Design Consulting
           outdoors.  Under the  expansive  opulent   azine Golden Bund Award, World's Best   Co., Ltd. is a cutting-edge interior archi-
                                                  Home System Integration Award, the Ital-
                                                                                  tecture design firm with an international
           stone wall, the integration of natural   ian A'DESIGN Award, IAI Interior Design   background. The main business is present-
           planting adds a comfortable experience like   Competition, IDEA-TOPS, he 40UNDER40   ed by the overall visual landing of com-
           coming home, when  entering the space.  China Design Outstanding Youth Award,   mercial space, living space, and art space.
             In front of the curved floor-to-ceiling   and the China Building Decoration Associ-  As a professional organisation, we adhere
           glass, the space displays the growth   ation Award. And cross-border cooperation   to the boutique strategy, to faithfully re-
                                                  with FENDI and other world-famous luxury
                                                                                  flect the design works we can provide a
           posture of the derivative life stretch - the   brands, in the first-line real estate enterpris-  full range of services from design, and
           stainless steel top surface is concealed   es and top private customer circles to main-  construction, to art jewelry. This service
           with the hand-embroidered pattern on   tain a good and a high reputation.  system is guided by a high level of design,
           the mattress, and the Wenzhu exhibition   Since its founding, FARNEAR DESIGN   dominating the entire industry chain of
           of the definition of life "a gentleman can   has become one of the most innovative   the decoration industry, and giving back
                                                  design consulting firms in China. In 2019,
                                                                                  to our customers with efficient and perfect
           not  live  without  bamboo"  is  tilted out   he became the only partner in Asia Pacific   works.
           beside the light and shadow.
             The  symmetrical,  semi-circular  wall
           is the prelude to the entrance, and the
           immersion experience brought on by
           the unique sense of ceremony, allows the   their hearts. The building blocks focus   the various bed items placed in the space,
           participants to further immerse in the   on the highlights of the space. Under   and this will attract people to stop.
           sensory reverberations  created  by the   the guidance of the aesthetic integration   As a new generation of exhibition hall
           space, and can not help but immerse their   of light and shadow, colour and gradual   for Beard brand, Fanay's design breaks
           thoughts in it, to gradually relax and open   volume, the viewers will shift their eyes to   through  the  concept  of  'store'  in  the

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