Page 40 - Designing Ways 274
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                        by Stienie Greyling

                verything we see in the world   in the surrounding consists of a specific   The Psychology of Furniture Design.
                around us has a shape.  We can find   type of shape.  Take the example of a pizza;   How shapes and forms impact emotions.
           Edifferent  basic  shapes  such  as  the   as a whole, pizza: is a circle, but once you   Furniture design is an art that goes
           two-dimensional square, rectangle and oval   cut it, you get pieces which are triangles.   beyond mere functionality. It is an
           or the three-dimensional rectangular prism,   Furniture, rugs, lighting and buildings   intricate dance between aesthetic, utility
           cylinder and sphere in the objects we see   all have a certain shape representing   and psychology. The shapes and forms
           around us.  These geometric shapes appear   them. There are numerous types of   of furniture have a profound impact on
           in objects we see in credit cards, coins, finger   shapes: Circles, Rectangles, Squares and   our emotions and well-being, shaping our
           rings, photo frames, dart boards, windows,   Triangles.              experiences within a space.
           tall buildings and furniture.       In Mathematics,  shapes  define the
                                              outline or the boundary of an object.   The Power of Shapes.
           Shape definition.                  The shapes can be classified into different   Shapes play a crucial role in influencing
             A shape is a boundary or outline of   types based on their properties.  In   our  emotions  and  perceptions.  In
           an object or the physical appearance of   general, the shapes are closed by an   furniture design, various shapes can
           anything.  It is basically any surface we see   outline or boundary which is made up of   evoke different feelings and responses, for
           regardless of its size or colour.  Everything   points, lines and curves and so on.  instance:

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