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•   Curves and Soft Edges: Furniture   asymmetrical forms can spark      triangles are confident and dynamic
               with curvilinear forms and soft    creativity and intrigue.  Such designs   and will make a room feel energised.
               edges often elicit feelings of comfort,   can break away from conventional   Try not to mix too many different
               warmth and relaxation.  These shapes   norms,  encouraging  a  sense  of   types of triangles in the same
               are reminiscent of natural forms and   uniqueness and exploration.   space as it can quickly become
               human bodies, creating an inviting                                   overwhelming.  It is far more
               and soothing atmosphere.       Types of Geometric Shapes and Patterns   effective to stick with one or two and
           •   Rectangles and Straight Lines:   in Interior Design.                 to use them sparingly.
               Furniture featuring clean lines and   •   Squares: When one looks at geometric   •   Circles: Much like with squares, it is
               geometric shapes exudes a sense of   design images, it is easy to home in on   surprisingly easy to  make circular
               order, stability and professionalism.     textile prints rather than the forms of   geometric  patterns  in  interior
               Rectangular  forms  are  often    key pieces of furniture and accessories   design.  Coffee tables can be circular,
               associated with efficiency and    in the room and their innate geometry.     elongated circles in lozenge-shaped
               precision, making them suitable for   Side tables, mirrors, rugs, cushions   form are a huge trend right now,
               office and workspace design.      and even tissue boxes are typically   and central pieces of furniture like
           •   Organic and Irregular Shapes:     represented as a strong-sided square   footstools, mirrors and rugs come in
               Furniture  with  irregular  or    or cube in stature.  Repeat that stance   a huge variety of circular sizes.  It is
                                                 around the room and one will create a   a good idea to contrast strong-lined
                                                 more subtle geometric pattern.     geometric shapes with the softer
                                              •   Triangles: One of the icons in    circular sort to create balance and
                                                 geometric design, patterns with    harmony.                dw

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