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                       "Into the Space"

           An Installation Art Space That Attempts to

              Express Japanese Beauty recognized
               with BoY Honoree and AMP Award

                  AKAMURA      KAZUNOBU       (794-1185), it is said that the creation of   it: a vast  landscape  evoked by a single
                  DESIGN -  WORKS proudly     space  begins  with  "setting  a  stone,"  that   organic form object. The belief is that a
           Npresents      'Into  the  Space',  is to say by placing an object in an empty   space created in this way is the ideal place
           an installation art space focused on   space. Also, Ikenobo Sen'o, a master of   that humans unconsciously seek.
           expressions of Japanese beauty.    Japanese flower arranging in the early
             Japanese dance performances were   modern period, once said: "With a spray   One  being,  like  a  cloud  swirling  like  a
           held at this location and, both before and   of flowers, a bit of water, one evokes the   great wave
           after the performances, audiences were   vastness of rivers and mountains."  Japan is an island nation that experiences
           invited on stage to actually experience the   A single object is used to evoke a vast   a great deal of humidity. Throughout
           installation.                      landscape that does not actually exist in   the year, various cloud formations flow
             In "Sakuteiki - Visions of the Japanese   that location. When an object is placed in   through the sky. In Japan, clouds have
           Garden" written in the Heian period   a space, a place is naturally created around   been  an  important  element  of  scenery

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