Page 52 - Designing Ways 276
P. 52


           Natural light.
             Natural  light  is  irreplaceable  in  any
           interior and should always be the first
           and main choice.  It is not only a source
           of energy for our bodies, but also a factor
           that makes rooms appear larger.
             The sunlight coming through the
           windows enlivens colours and makes
           them more intense and natural.  This is
           why designers are increasingly trying to
           maximise the amount of natural light in
           rooms by using large windows, glazing or
           mirrors.  Stretch mirror ceilings available
           in different colours are an interesting
           solution.  It is also worthwhile to reach for
           any luminous textures, such as polished   Spotlighting
           surfaces or steel elements.

           Spotlighting.                      Light and colours.                to achieve the desired visual effect.  A key
             Light is not only a source of brightness,   The colours of the walls and furniture   consideration is the colour of light from
           but  also  a tool for  highlighting  desired   in  a  room  affect  the  reflection  of  light.     bulbs and fittings.  There is a choice of
           elements and hiding unwanted elements.     Light colours reflect light, making rooms   warm, neutral, cold and the wattage.
           Spotlighting allows one to focus light on   appear larger and more spacious.    Well-chosen light fittings and bulbs can
           a specific area such as a painting or a vase   On the other hand dark colours   make any home unique.  For this reason
           with flowers.  It adds depth to a room,   absorb  light,  creating cosy  interiors.     it is worth paying attention to this issue
           making it appear more spacious.  To make   When designing interiors it is worth   when designing or renovating a home.
           the most of it, opt for lamps that have the   paying attention to colour schemes that   Some of the information in the article is
           ability to direct the light.       interact with natural and artificial light   from:  dw

                          Natural light    Light and colours
                                           Warm Lighting

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