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              outdoor lighting

                    by Eurolux

              n  a  world  that  increasingly  values
              sustainable alternatives,  solar flood
           Ilights harness the sun’s power to
           create a completely off-grid light security
           option.                            security.  Look  for  solar  floodlights  that   impact on the fixture’s performance and
             Eurolux has just unpacked a brand-new   provide sufficient lumens to meet your   lifespan. LiFePO4 batteries (lithium iron
           range of solar floodlights and talked to us   specific illumination needs.  phosphate) are gaining prominence for
           about some of the most important factors                             their superior characteristics. These
           to consider when purchasing fixtures for   Consider colour temperature.  batteries offer a longer cycle life and can
           your property.                      Beyond brightness, consider the colour   endure more charge-discharge cycles.
                                              temperature of the solar floodlights. Colour   They’re also known for their impressive
           Look at lumens, not watts.         temperature is measured in Kelvins, with   thermal  stability  and  safety profile,
             Traditionally, wattage has been the   lower values (around 2700K) producing   reducing the risk of overheating or
           standard metric for measuring the   warm, yellow light and higher values   thermal runaway. The LiFePO4 batteries
           brightness of light bulbs. But when it   (5000K and above) delivering cool, bluish-  found in our new solar floodlights are
           comes to solar floodlights, lumens are a   white light. Our new solar floodlights   one  of their  major  selling  points with
           more accurate indicator of brightness.   have high values of around 6000-6500K to   homeowners, architects and project
           Lumens measure the total amount of   deliver clear visibility.       managers  alike  recognising  their
           visible light emitted by a source, providing                         superiority.
           a better gauge of a light's actual brightness.   Select motion sensor designs for
           For outdoor spaces, consider higher   enhanced security.             Opt for monocrystalline silicon panels.
           lumen values for increased visibility and   Many high-quality solar floodlights come   Another standout feature of these
                                              equipped with motion sensors, enhancing   fixtures  is  their  monocrystalline silicon
                                              security and energy efficiency. Motion   panels. Their benefits are numerous,
                                              sensor  lights  activate  when  movement  is   ranging from high efficiency because
                                              detected, providing an added layer of safety,   of  their  single-crystal  structure  to  their
                                              and discouraging potential intruders. When   compact size. They also offer superior
                                              purchasing solar floodlights, consider   performance in low-light conditions.
                                              models with adjustable sensitivity and   With a longer lifespan, exceptional
                                              duration settings to tailor them to your   durability, and the ability to harness
                                              specific requirements.            energy even in less-than-ideal weather
                                                                                conditions,  monocrystalline  silicon
                                              Check for robust materials.       panels make our new floodlights a robust
                                               Outdoor lighting faces exposure   and efficient outdoor lighting solution.
                                              to various weather conditions, so it's
                                              important to choose solar floodlights   Think about adjustable mounting.
                                              designed for  durability and  weather   Consider  the flexibility  of mounting
                                              resistance. Look for lights with an IP65   options when selecting solar floodlights.
                                              or higher rating, indicating protection   Lights with adjustable brackets or flexible
                                              against  dust  and  water  ingress.  mounting arms allow you to direct the
                                              Additionally, consider the build quality,   light exactly where it's needed. This
                                              materials used, and any certifications   adaptability ensures optimal coverage and
                                              for durability in challenging outdoor   illumination of specific areas within your
                                              environments. Our new solar floods are   outdoor space.
                                              crafted from ABS, PC, metal and anti-UV   So, while there may be a great many
                                              materials.                        floodlights on the market, these handy
                                                                                tips will help you make a wise selection, to
                                              Understand the advantages of LiFePO4   ensure  both  longevity  and  performance.
                                              batteries.                        Happy buying!               dw
                                               The type of battery technology
                                              used in any solar floodlight has a huge

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