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               THE DOG

                                         Swiss Easter Egg Traditions

                witzerland  has  an  enchanting   is  strained  and  the  skins  removed,   ones. Once all are found, they are
                Easter egg tradition. Normal   and the eggs are then boiled in the   put on the table for the main meal.
           Seggs, preferably white, hard      dye.  This  produces  a  pale  brown   Everyone chooses an egg, and there
           to  find  here,  are  soaked  in  water,   colour, but other vegetables can give   is  a  competition  called  eiertutsche,
           then wrapped with leaves or flowers   different dye colours – red cabbage   or egg tapping, where you hold
           pressed against them, in old pieces   for blue, spinach for green, turmeric   your egg firmly bottom side up, and
           of pantyhose tied really tight.    root for yellow.  Commercial dyes or   your neighbour taps his egg against
           This  is  a  Good  Friday  event  in  its   colourings  are  available,  but  these   yours.  The one whose egg lasts
           own right, with the mothers and    are not  the  real  deal.  Once  hard   the  longest  without  breaking  wins.
           children spending ages firstly looking   boiled,  the  eggs  are  removed  and   Apparently one of the reasons for
           for suitable leaves with good outlines   cooled.  The  covering  and  leaves   having hard boiled eggs on Easter
           (herbs are good), then carefully   or  petals  are  carefully  removed,   Sunday is that during Lent, the forty-
           wrapping them and hopefully not    and beautiful results emerge, with   day period before Easter, people did
           breaking them.                     the plant outlines showing up white   not  eat  eggs,  so  there  was  a  stock
                                              against the rest of the dyed egg. The   build-up.
           At the same time the dyes are      eggs are then polished with bacon fat
           prepared.  The  best  known  is  made   to give them a good shine.   And  who  brings  the  eggs  to  Swiss
           with onion skins, which are collected                                children at Easter? Not the Easter
           (from the big baskets at supermarkets,   On  Easter  Sunday  the  eggs  are   bunny, but the cuckoo!
           where   they  are  surreptitiously  hidden in the garden, and these
           removed  from  the  loose  onions  on   natural dyed eggs are far harder
           sale) and then boiled.  The liquid   to  find  than  the  shiny  chocolate   Gill Butler
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