Page 36 - Designing Ways 278
P. 36


              Material matters

            The role of fabric selection
                   in sustainable

                  interior design

                    ith many of us trying to live
                    a more sustainable lifestyle,
           Wthere’s a growing focus on
           environmentally-friendly options when it
           comes to interiors.
             The textile industry category, which
           includes household, technical fabrics,
           fashion and clothing, is responsible for
           approximately 10% of all global emissions.
           An extra reason, if ever we needed one,
           to think carefully about the furnishings,
           fabrics and fittings we choose for our
           homes. Here, we explore the principles of
           sustainable design, and discuss why eco-
           friendly, PFAS-free upholstery options
           such as FibreGuard are a great choice for
           interior design.                   The importance of eco-friendly materials   can significantly reduce damaging
                                              in interior design                environmental  effects.  This  is  where
           What is sustainable design?         Many materials conventionally used   sustainable materials come in – ones
             Sustainable  design  adopts a  holistic   in interior design are now considered   that are produced with minimum
           approach to creating objects and spaces   problematic because of their undesirable   environmental impact and are designed
           that minimise negative environmental   impact on the environment. Non-  for durability and longevity.
           impact. Sustainable design strategies   renewable materials such as hardwoods,   Here  are  four  things  to  look  for  in
           include  designing  for  longevity,  concrete and metals use up the earth’s   sustainable materials for the home:
           circularity (using recyclable materials)   limited resources and are likely end up in   Energy efficiency – Eco-friendly
           and dematerialisation (making products   landfill when no longer required.  materials often use less energy in
           smaller and lighter in order to use less   If careful choices are made, the   their production process than more
           resources).                        materials we select for our interiors   conventional options.

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