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               Stuart Graham

             Fabrics Introduces


                Upholstery Fabrics

               tuart Graham Fabrics is proud to
               unveil an exciting addition to our   Introducing New Collections  colours,  including  rich  taupe, creams,
           Supholstery fabric offerings: Mercis.   Amsterdam                    moody  blues,  charcoals,  greys, autumn
           Based in Slovenia, Mercis has been a   Amsterdam is a celebration of the   shades, and vibrant reds, highlight the
           leader in the European upholstery market   softness and natural movement that   fabric's amazing texture, making it a
           for nearly 30 years and has become one of   only velvet can offer. This collection is   delight to both see and touch.
           Europe’s leading fabric wholesalers.   both  visually  and  texturally pleasing,
             Stuart Graham Fabrics is privileged   providing a decorative yet durable option   Nairobi
           to be the exclusive distributor of Mercis   for upholstery. Its lush texture and robust   Nairobi features a unique construction
           fabrics in Africa. These high-quality   nature ensure a lasting visual experience.  using two different coloured yarns to
           fabrics are not only aesthetically pleasing                          create depth and texture. The bold colour
           but also affordable.               Dublin                            statement of this collection is achieved
             Mercis focuses on quality, technical   Dublin exudes smooth sophistication   through a weaving technique that results
           advantage,  colour  depth,  and stock   and timeless appeal. Soft to the touch and   in strong blues, rich earthy browns, aquas,
           availability, which aligns perfectly  with   delightful to the eye, this range is perfect   statement reds, rich burgundy, and soft
           the values of Stuart Graham Fabrics.   for those seeking subtlety combined with   smoky pinks.
                                              strength and durability. It is destined
           Superior Quality, Safety and Environ-  to become a favourite for creating soft,   Experience the Difference with Mercis
           mental Standards                   elegant interiors.                  Explore  the  new  era  of  upholstery
             All Mercis fabrics  undergo  rigorous                              fabrics with Stuart Graham Fabrics and
           testing by Labotex, an accredited   Fenix                            Mercis. Whether you are looking for
           independent  laboratory  in  Europe,  Fenix epitomises quiet sophistication   the  plush  elegance  of  velvet,  the  subtle
           ensuring quality fabrics for peace of mind.   with a subtle men's fashion look. This   sophistication of a smooth fabric, or the
           In addition, all Mercis fabrics are Oeko-tex   collection boasts 24 beautiful fashion   bold statement of a richly textured weave,
           standard 100 certified and therefore free   shades, including warm neutrals, moody   our new collections have something to
           from  harmful  chemicals  and allergenic   blues, teals, aquas, rich burgundy, gold,   offer for every design vision.
           substances. All five new collections are   and pink. These on-trend colours offer   Our new collections are available on
           water repellent and  meet American   depth  and  style,  making  Fenix  ideal  for   our website and our newly launched
           FR standards for residential, hotel, and   any stylish and sophisticated interior   mobile app.
           hospital use. In addition, they achieved   design project.             Download our app now, and enjoy
           100 000 Martindale rubs and passed all                               fabric  visualisation,  stock  checks,
           international upholstery standards.  Montana                         technical specifications and ordering. No
             These  meticulous  control  processes   Montana offers an exceptional textural   complicated sign ups or fees required.   dw
           ensure the highest quality and safety for   experience, combining depth and natural
           our customers.                     movement. The 29 carefully curated

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