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               jewellery brand,
                Patrick Mavros

              expands to Cape

                  Town’s V&A


              conic international jewellery house
              Patrick Mavros is proud to announce
           Ithe opening of its first boutique in
           South Africa at Cape Town’s prestigious
           V&A Waterfront. This expansion marks a
           significant milestone for the family business,
           bringing together two icons - the timeless
           elegance of Patrick Mavros’ creations and
           the beauty of the V&A Waterfront.
             The  eponymous  brand  was  founded
           in 1978 when Patrick carved a pair of
           earrings for his wife, Catja. She wore them   South Africa was a natural progression   a wildlife sanctuary, reflecting the family’s
           to the hair salon, where the hairdresser fell   for the brand. “We have been looking for   deep connection to nature. Every creation
           in love with them and instantly requested   the ideal retail space in South Africa for   - from delicate floral earrings to intricate
           a  pair  for  herself.  From  this  loving  gift,   many years - initially in Johannesburg,”   sculptures of Africa’s most beloved
           the business was born and has grown   says Alexander. “But then the perfect spot   creatures - becomes a timeless heirloom
           into  what  is  now  recognised  as  Africa’s   became available in Cape Town, in the   destined to be cherished for generations,
           definitive luxury brand.           unmatched V&A Waterfront, and it was   with each item undergoing a meticulous
             Today, the Mavros family, including   a serendipitous fit. We’re very excited to   process to ensure the highest standards of
           sons Alexander, Forbes, Patrick Jr,   grow our family business in South Africa   quality and authenticity.
           and Benjamin, along with their father,   from this world-renowned location.”  “Embodying the spirit of family and
           continue to infuse each piece with the   Similar to the brand’s flagship store in   tradition permeates every aspect of our
           same dedication to quality and artistry   London - an elegant space frequented by   business. Intrinsically, we are a brand
           that has defined the house of luxury since   Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, as well   that has been born out of a love story,
           its inception. From the atelier in Mauritius   as  Her  Royal  Highness the  Princess  of   which I think is wonderful. Ours is a
           and the studio in Zimbabwe exceptional   Wales, Hugh Grant, Bruce Springsteen,   tale of African creativity and African
           objets d’art and jewellery are handmade in   Denzel Washington and more - the V&A   craftsmanship,” Alexander continues.
           sterling silver and 18-carat gold, garnering   Waterfront boutique welcomes guests   “We are an African success story, but
           the brand global acclaim for exquisite   into a light and bright treasure trove of   fundamentally, we are on a mission  to
           design and unparalleled service.   masterful creations, with floor-to-ceiling   tell the story of Africa's wildernesses
             “Our mission as a family is to showcase   windows perfectly framing the dock and   and wildlife, by creating collections that
           the very best of African creativity and   Table Mountain beyond.     contribute directly to conservation!”
           craftsmanship on an international stage,”   Although the brand generally likes to   Visitors to the new boutique at the V&A
           says eldest son, Alexander Mavros.   keep mum on its esteemed clientèle, it has a   Waterfront can expect to be immersed in
           “America has its Tiffany, France has its   notable private client list that includes many   an enchanting world of African-inspired
           Hermès, Europe has its great luxury   of the world’s most recognisable individuals,   luxury, where every piece tells a story of
           houses... And then you look at Africa,   global leaders and celebrities, many of   adventure, passion, and reverence for
           the continent with so much mystique,   whom regularly seek out the Mavros family   nature. Whether seeking a timeless gift for
           intrigue, and romance - it is our mission   to  collaborate  on custom  pieces -  from   a loved one or a personal statement piece to
           to show the world what Africa has to offer   jewellery to tableware, and beyond.  treasure for a lifetime, patrons will discover
           and create its most desired luxury brand.”  Patrick Mavros’ headquarters - located   the perfect embodiment of elegance and
             With  stores  in  London, Harare,   in the hilly outskirts of Harare, Zimbabwe   craftsmanship at Patrick Mavros.   dw
           Mauritius, Tanzania, Nairobi, Namibia,   - are where the magic really happens. The
           and Victoria Falls, opening a boutique in   base serves not only as a studio but also as

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