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                                            Redefining Hospitality:

                   Trends, technologies and opportunities unpacked by leaders in the industry

                 he  Hotel  and  Hospitality  Expo   opportunities; OTA versus direct booking   hospitality in Africa. They’re followed by
                 Africa  turns the African hospi-  engines; personalisation and big data;   Bronwen Auret, Chief Quality Assurance
           Ttality conversation towards trans-  the growth of the bleisure industry; and   Officer  and  Acting  Chief  Marketing
           formative action and the innovations,   attracting investment.       Officer,  South  African Tourism;  Steven
           conversations and changes needed to   “AI is affecting every business,   Louw, Chief Executive Officer, Steyn City;
           redefine hospitality on the continent. The   everywhere, and hospitality has an   Brett Hendricks, Chief Executive Officer,
           seventh edition of the expo could not   opportunity to step forward and into its   Motsamayi Tourism Group and Daphne
           be  better  timed  –  the  UNWTO  World   wave of innovation to create sustainable   Kruijsse, Area Manager,,
           Tourism Barometer  saw Africa recover   change that affects personalisation,   among many others. A full list of speakers
           96% of pre-pandemic visitors in 2023   decision-making and growth,” says Peters.   and the agenda can be found here.
           with international tourism reaching   “It is also one of multiple trends and   The event is bolstered by the 2024
           US$1.4 trillion and growth expected to   shifts in customer need that’s shaping   Advisory Board, which comprises a
           exceed these numbers in 2024       the future of the sector. The African   distinguished collective of industry
             “The  event provides  thought leaders   Hospitality Confidence Index 2024  found   champions  committed to  creating  a
           with the opportunity to unpack core   that 92% of customers fit into the bleisure   substantive and well-rounded programme
           challenges  and concerns facing  the   category, 53% use dynamic pricing to   for Hotel and Hospitality Expo Africa.
           sector today,” says Margaret Peters, Event   optimise revenue, and 89% believe ESG   This year, the Advisory Board is made up
           Manager: Food & Hospitality at dmg   is key to long-term success. Having   of some of the leaders of industry - key
           events.                            these conversations at HEA is critical to   thought leaders and trend makers that
             Key trends discussed at the event   ensuring longevity for the industry as well   include Neil Hughes, Managing Director
           include:  artificial  intelligence  (AI)  as opening the doorway to opportunity.”  at Providence Hospitality; Lee-Anne
           and the role of emergent and relevant   The speakers, thinkers and decision-  Singer, Chairperson at FEDHASA Cape;
           technologies; sustainability and social   makers gathering to discuss the reality   Glyn Taylor, CEO at Oasis Life; and Leoni
           responsibility;  driving  tourism  in  of hospitality in Africa are some of   Andereya, Curator at Radisson Red,
           dollars and moving beyond the singular   the leaders in future-forward thinking   among many others. The Advisory Board
           destination; unlocking new revenue   and industry insights. Jeff Blackbeard,   members are selected for their expertise
                                              Director of Sectors and Markets at Moore   across key areas that include Chief
                                              Global, and Lee-Anne Singer, Marketing   Operations Officers, General Managers,
                                              and Sales Director at The Singer Group,   Chefs, and Interiors.  dw
                                              lead the keynote address focusing on
                                              exploring the churning landscape of

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