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               THE DOG


                illarney is a suburb that is   Gradually apartment blocks were   Today this has changed, and a lot of
                today representative of the   designed  and  built,  early  on  in  the   residents are young couples starting
           Kdemographics of Johannesburg.     Art  Deco  style.  Gleneagles  (1937)   off on the property ladder with large
                                              has  a  fabulous  brass  and  marble   apartments, sunny and airy. Many
           It was first bought as a farm in 1905   entrance, and apparently the original   of the blocks that are south of the
           by  Mr  Isadore  William  Schlesinger,   bathrooms were designed so that as   motorway have superb views of the
           where he based the Killarney Film   you filled the bath with hot water, this   urban  forest,  and  are  adjacent  to
           Studios.  Mr  Schlesinger  built  the   ran through the towel rails and heated   The  Wilds,  one  of  Johannesburg’s
           beautiful block called Whitehall Court   the towels and the room. This is still   favourite parks, safe and well
           in 1924, and had his own residence   a beautiful block, with large, high-  maintained.
           on  the  first  floor  and  his  offices  on   ceilinged sought-after apartments.
           the other two floors. It is an Italianate   Daventry  Court  (1934)  is  another   A new mosque on the eastern edge
           design, with a central courtyard   Deco  gem,  and has  recently been   of the motorway is frequented by
           garden.  All modern amenities such   repainted and repaired, and is looking   the local Muslim population, and the
           as a lift, were included. It was   magnificent. Many of the later sixties   nearby schools have pupils  that live
           later turned into highly desirable   buildings have surprisingly large   in Killarney.  The Killarney  Mall has
           apartments, and is still today a   gardens, some with swimming pools.   an  excellent  range  of  shops,  and  a
           magnificent  building  with  residents   Killarney  Hills  (1959),  built  for  John   functioning  library run by the City
           who maintain it to the same high   Schlesinger, Isadore’s son, which is   Council. All this with direct access to
           standard  as  before.  At  the  time  of   on the southern border of Killarney,   the motorway, close to the hospitals,
           Killarney’s early start, the suburb had   has Eduardo Villa designed panels   and in the other direction, to Rosebank
           an orchard, a swimming pool, trees   along  the  balconies,  a  mosaic  by   and Sandton.
           and gardens.  Trees still stand, and   Amando Baldinelli in the entrance
           there is a park that was a treelined   foyer.
           street closed by the council and
           made  into  a  space  for  all  residents   Residents  started  off  as  mainly
           to enjoy.                          Jewish, ‘newly wed or nearly dead’.   Gill Butler


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                                                                                                         Tel: 011 434 0444,
                                                                                                Factory / Warehouse / Showroom:
                                                                                               44 Hulbert Rd Cnr Rosettenville Rd,
                                                                                                   New Centre, Johannesburg.
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