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                Escape to the


                 By Stuart Graham

                 his season, we have seen a rise   Richer hues of desert and sunset through   Keep it simple and inviting with
                 in the trend for spaces inspired   to impactful rouge or maroon shades are   weathered woodwork, exposed masonry,
           Tby  the  sprawling  landscapes  of   ideal for creating a truly cosy look. Keep   and stone flooring, whilst accessories
           savannahs. The style is lovingly infused   it  suitably  uplifting  with  an abundance  of   such as wicker baskets present subtle
           with Earth-inspired palettes, thick, woven   natural materials throughout.  yet effective touches. Warm up stone or
           textures, and an abundance of natural                                wood flooring with woven or sisal rugs.
           materials, helping to shelter and cocoon   Present Diverse Textures Throughout   Pair with strands of towering pampas
           you from the elements.             Your Space                        grass or leafy greens in complementary
             Create  a cabin-inspired  home that   Hunker down and create a home worth   stone pottery or browned glassware.
           invites you to hibernate this winter.   hibernating in with a medley of texture.  Alternatively, place hanging baskets
           Emulating the rugged terrain found   Thick, enveloping weaves are perfect   adorned with trailing vines around the
           in the depths of nature, the trend for   for sofas and armchairs that invite you to   room, adding in reminders of nature
           mountain retreats allows you to enjoy   sink in and appreciate their tactile nature.   wherever your eyes land.
           the comforting, restorative aspects of the   Create further visual weight and cosiness
           outside world. So, head into the wild with   with  characterful  prints  depicting  Incorporate Tribal Elements into Your
           this enduring trend for diverse textures,   strikingly textured cross hatches, tribal-  Scheme
           earthy  tones,  and  a  helping  of  tribal   inspired motifs and dot work that pay   Pay homage to the timeless styles of
           influences.  Sink into a compilation of   homage to traditional tribal art. In the   distant cultures.
           our top tips below for creating a boutique   bedroom, form an enticing space for   Embrace the tribal style with statement
           retreat in the comfort of your own   sleep and present a sumptuous headboard   wall  art, sculptures, or  accessories,
           home, and discover the up-and-coming   feature adorned with a quilted geometric   providing a window into the cultures
           mountain retreat trend.            design, paired with  a coordinating   that have inspired your mountain retreat.
                                              throw. Hang drapery showcasing multi-  Instead, why not create a wall hanging from
           Select  Hues  Straight  from  the  Earth’s   dimensional techniques at your window,   fabrics  in  striking  geometrics?  Pair  with
           Palette                            opting  for  striking  chevron  stripe   drapery in designs that allude to traditional
             Rich, inviting earth tones are set   embroideries for enveloping floor-length   tribal art for added cohesion. Look to
           to continue dominating home décor   curtains. Alternatively, opt for a lighter   carved woodblock-style leaf effects, abstract
           palettes, and remain central to the appeal   tufted sheer to create a more delicate yet   feathers, bold chevrons or intricate dot work
           of inviting mountain retreat interiors.  intriguing look.            that are all perfect for layering.  dw
             Dusky colourways of sandstorm and ecru
           create a gentler scheme, pairing well with   Centre Your Space Around the Outdoors
           lighter, weathered wood oak. Add interest   with Abundant Nods to Nature
           to more pared-back colour schemes with   Make sure any mountain-inspired
           texture, opting for weaves, embroideries,   scheme draws on the plethora of natural
           and sheers showcasing unique techniques.   materials found beyond your four walls.

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