Page 42 - Designing Ways 279
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                                  Hello Winter

                                 by Stienie Greyling

                    ith winter and all its chilly   match the following characteristics with   outdoor-friendly throws, pillows and
                    glory now with us, maybe   a family’s lifestyle and outdoor space:   blankets available. Consider wool, fleece
           Wwhat goes through our minds       heat type and heat range, and design and   and down for blankets to provide warmth
           is that our days relaxing in our outdoor   special features. Patio heaters also come   and insulation.
           living spaces are over. But in fact, with the   in a variety of shapes, sizes, power source   Outdoor rugs are great for all seasons.
           right accommodation, the patio or deck   and mount types.            Not only do they add softness beneath
           can be an amazing place to spend with   An outdoor fire pit can also be an   your feet, outdoor rugs can also bring
           family and friends.                amazing source of heat to warm the   warmth to the patio. These rugs are made
             The most uncomfortable thing about   outdoor space. More traditional in look   from durable synthetic fibres that are
           being outdoors during the winter is   and feel than patio heaters, outdoor fire   designed to withstand the elements and
           the cold. Eliminate this discomfort by   pits also provide unmatched levels of   are an excellent addition to the winter
           installing a patio heater in the outdoor   comfort and nostalgia.    patio.
           living space. Patio heaters are amazing   To make the outdoor space as liveable   Another tough downside of winter is
           for creating warmth that can make the   as possible, furnish it with sofas, chairs   how  early the  sun  goes  down.  Counter
           outdoor space as comfortable as the indoor   and other seating options. To ensure   the darkness of winter afternoons and
           space. The best patio heater will perfectly   adequate heating comfort, be sure to have   evenings by installing light fixtures

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