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rigorously test products using specialised
           equipment like endurance test machines,
           climate rooms, motor test machines,
           and  tensile  test  machines  until  results
           meet our stringent standards. Finally,
           the market launch phase ensures proper
           documentation, certifications, marketing
           materials highlighting safety features/
           benefits, and comprehensive training for
           distributors/retailers on safe installation
           and use. Our dedicated customer service
           team supports any post-launch issues.
           Safety drives our rigorous multi-phase
           development and testing process.

           How do you ensure child safety
             To ensure compliance, we send our
           product samples to external accredited   affordable for end users. Motorised   Meet the Coulisse Engineering Team:
           testing facilities for certification according   systems are not only convenient and   Bas Klein-Tuente and Ruben de Vries
           to relevant safety standards. We collaborate   smart but also very safe, as they eliminate   are the leaders of our engineering team,
           with reputable organisations such as   the need for cords or  chains. We are   which  is  responsible  for  developing
           Bureau  Veritas  and  TÜV  to  ensure  our   particularly proud of our Motionblinds   and testing all our innovative products.
           products meet regulations across different   range, which offers wireless and battery-  They have a wealth of experience and
           regions. Our products comply with   operated motors that are  easy  to  install   knowledge in the window covering
           standards like ANSI/WCMA A100.1,   and integrate with smart home systems.    industry and are constantly seeking new
           EN 13120, EN 16433, and EN 16434.                                    ways to improve our solutions and ensure
           Moreover, our engineers stay updated with   What sets Coulisse apart from the rest?     they comply with the highest safety
           the latest industry news and participate   Our Twin Pull system is likely to   standards.
           in standardisation bodies like the Royal   become more popular and widely
           Netherlands  Standardization  Institute   adopted as it is a great alternative to
           (NEN) and the Conceptual Engineering   conventional chain-operated blinds. Twin
           Network  (CEN)  workgroups.  This  Pull, which we invented and patented,
           involvement allows us to contribute to the   allows operation with two short wands. It   Visit our child
                                                                                                   safety page
           development of new safety standards and   features a beautiful, integrated design and
           ensure our products  remain  compliant   is available for roller and honeycomb with
           with the most up-to-date requirements.    plans to expand to other product groups.

           How do you help customers with the
           product launches?
             Finally, we launch our products to the
           market, providing customers with the
           necessary documentation and certification.
           We also offer training and support on how
           to install and use our products safely and
           correctly. We create marketing materials
           and manuals that showcase the features
           and benefits of our products, and we
           provide online and offline training sessions
           for our distributors and retailers. We also
           have a dedicated customer service team
           that can answer any questions or issues
           that may arise after the launch.

           What future trends do you foresee for
           child safety in the industry?
             I believe motorisation will continue
           to grow, becoming more accessible and

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