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                night comfort

            Gervasoni's 2024 novelties
              transform the sleeping           DOT

             area into a stylish retreat       Design by Paola Navone

                 he sleeping area is the intimate   sleeping area, continuing to shape home   the Dot bed is highly versatile and ideal
                 retreat of the home, a place where   universes with products that combine   for any environment.
           Tcomfort and design come together   tradition and modernity.
           to create a relaxing and rejuvenating                                GEM - Design by Gabriele and Oscar
           environment. In this context, Gervasoni   DOT - Design by Paola Navone  Buratti
           furniture turns out to be perfect for   A simple bed that blends modern lines   A cosy and intimate bed. The Gabriele
           transforming the bedroom into a space   with classic details, Dot by Paola Navone   and Oscar Buratti design Gem, is a bed
           of comfort and well-being. Thanks to   emulates a timeless elegance, creating   characterised by sinuous shapes and
           their combination of functionality,   a unique, welcoming atmosphere.   the simplicity and refinement of its
           timeless aesthetics and quality materials,   The  shapes  are  a  mix  of  gentle  round   design. The headboard is the distinctive
           Gervasoni furniture gives  the  sleeping   curves and rounded corners, creating   element of this bed: available in two
           area a distinctive touch, capable of   a  fascinating and  comforting  visual   heights, it is characterised by careful
           reflecting the taste and personality of   balance. The elaborate handcrafted   quilting that gives character and
           those who live it.                 wooden feet give the bed a solid base and   depth to  the surface.  Wider  than  the
             Gervasoni enriches its catalogue with   a touch of natural warmth that matches   structure itself, it offers a comfortable
           the 2024 novelties, introducing a variety   perfectly with the rest of the structure.   and cosy seating area. Decorative and
           of products designed to offer furnishing   The headboard, upholstered and soft to   scenic, Gem decorates every type of
           solutions that meet the most diverse   the touch, is the focal point of the bed:   environment, from the most modern to
           stylistic and  practical preferences.  Each   covered  in fabric,  is  enriched  with  a   the  most traditional, blending  present
           product is designed to create a welcoming   quilted pattern. Capable of decorating the   and past, new and old. With its refined
           and  harmonious  atmosphere in  the   sleeping area with style and personality,   simplicity and clean design, Gem adds

                                                                        Design by Gabriele
                                                                        and Oscar Buratti

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