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                                  Benjakitti Forest Park: Transforming a

                                      Brown Field into Urban Nature

                                                   Bangkok, Thailand

              n the busy centre of Bangkok,   2. Site and challenges            often resulted in urban runoff that
              Thailand,  with a low budget and   Located in the Chao Phraya River   overwhelmed drainage systems and caused
           Ilimited period of 18 months, a former   delta, Bangkok is a densely populated   severe flooding affecting much of the city.
           tobacco factory site has been transformed   capital city with a population of over 10.5   Measuring 102 acres in size, this project
           into a low maintenance green lung   million. The flat, low-lying urban area   is located in central Bangkok, in Khonti
           that regulates stormwater, cleanses   has an average elevation of 1.5 metres (4   District. The  former  tobacco  factory
           contaminated water, provides habitats   ft. 11 in.), or lower than sea level. Most of   is  densely  occupied  with  single  floor
           for wildlife, and has created the largest   the area was originally swampland, which   warehouse buildings, scattered in between
           public space for the dense population   was gradually drained and irrigated for   with a number of canopy trees. The site
           living downtown and beyond. The project   agriculture through the construction of   is surrounded by Phaisingto Canal to
           has become a new cultural icon for the   canals. The region falls under the influence   the north, which was contaminated with
           capital city and showcases a replicable   of a monsoon climate, with an average   urban runoffs and sewage. To the west,
           modular approach to earthworks practice,   precipitation of 1500 mm (59 in) of rain   the Duang Phithak Urban Expressway
           that transforms and recycles the lifeless   per year. Subsidence has been a major   cut the site from the adjacent community.
           concrete ground into a resilient living   problem, caused by extensive groundwater   There is also an artificial lake to the east,
           ecosystem that provides a full range of   pumping,  which  together with global   a rehabilitation hospital, a hotel, and the
           ecosystem services.                warming has resulted in increased flood   Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre
                                              risk due to its low elevation and inadequate   to the south. Besides the challenging site,
                                              drainage infrastructure. Heavy downpours   the budget for this project was eventually

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