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              Bang & Olufsen Unveils First Ever South African ‘Art of A9’ Artist

                                           Collaboration with Lulama Wolf

                ang & Olufsen,  the prestigious   looking for simple things that bring you   This collaboration edition, featuring
                Danish brand renowned  for    joy in so many ways," says Wolf.  "The   Wolf's artwork, is a testament to Bang &
           Bcreating iconic audio and home    femininity in jazz and dance, and the   Olufsen's philosophy of merging exquisite
           entertainment products of the highest   improvisation of its heartbeat, all come   form and premium function. It makes
           sound,  craftsmanship,  and  design  together in this piece."        the  Beosound  A9  so  much  more  than
           standards, is proud to announce its   Lulama Wolf's recent works continue   a  speaker—it is  a  statement  piece  that
           collaboration with acclaimed South   to push the boundaries of contemporary   enhances any living space.
           African visual artist Lulama Wolf. This   African  art.  Blending  traditional  Following its unveiling at 100% Design
           culturally  significant  occasion marks the   influences with modern techniques, they   at Decorex South Africa, this limited
           first time a South African artist has been   create powerful and evocative pieces that   edition  Beosound  A9,  customised
           invited to create a unique, customised   resonate with a global audience.  by Lulama Wolf, will be auctioned in
           design for the iconic Beosound A9 speaker.  A statement in sound and sight, the   August 2024. This auction presents a
             The “Art of A9” initiative series sees the   Beosound A9 is renowned for its blend   rare opportunity for art aficionados and
           distinctive circular canvas reinterpreted   of exceptional sound quality, sleek design,   audiophiles  alike  to  own a  piece  that
           via a series of highly limited-edition   and advanced technology. The A9 features   embodies the confluence of art, design,
           artworks.  Internationally,  notable  a distinctive, circular design that stands   and superior audio technology.
           collaborations have included works by   out as an iconic piece of art in any room.   The  official  unveiling  of  100%  Design
           David Lynch, Stine Goya, Vincent Van   Designed for  aesthetes and  audiophiles,   at Decorex South Africa will take place
           Duysen,  John  Legend,  and  MonoNeon,   the speaker can be wall-mounted or   on Thursday, 1 August, at  11:30 a.m. at
           each bringing their unique artistic vision   placed as a freestanding feature piece.   stand E07. The artist, Lulama Wolf, will
           to the A9, making it a true collector’s item.  Crafted  from  premium  anodised  be available for comment and interviews
             Lulama Wolf, known for her modern   aluminium, Kvadrat fabric and real oak, it   about the artwork and collaboration, as
           neo-expressionist  art, brings a  unique   is a timeless work of art, contributing to   will the Managing Director of Bang &
           perspective to the Beosound A9.    its luxurious look and feel.      Olufsen Monobrand store, Gareth Payne,
             Her work, deeply rooted in the classical   The A9 is a work of art that can be   for  comment and  insight  from  Bang  &
           themes of art and music, encapsulates the   customised to match your space and taste,   Olufsen.  dw
           lyrical joy found in jazz and the graceful   transforming it into a canvas for artistic
           movements of women in dance.  "I was   expression.             

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