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             This recommerce trend also ties   instability leaving consumers cautious   Waterfront precinct, honouring retailers
           into  general sustainability  trends  that   and selective, consumers are considering   that provide an unparalleled shopping
           continue to be a mainstream concern   the price tag of products more than ever.   experience reflecting the evolving needs
           for consumers. By promoting circular   Tight budgets are a hard-hitting reality,   and desires of modern consumers.
           economy principles, recommerce not only   shifting the retail landscape accordingly:   Award categories include the Digital
           reduces waste, but also offers consumers   cost is king.’ Price consciousness may   Innovation Award (which celebrates the
           access to high-quality products at lower   force some consumers to opt for less   tenant who has demonstrated exceptional
           prices, fostering a more sustainable and   expensive products regardless of whether   creativity, engagement, and effectiveness
           economically inclusive retail ecosystem.  they are sustainably produced.  in the use of digital and social media
             This demand for more affordable retail   Owing to his vast experience in   platforms to connect with customers),
           emerges as a direct result of worldwide   trend forecasting and business strategy,   the Inspired Visual Merchandising
           cost-of-living crises,  which  Chang has   Chang will form part of the judging   Award (which honours the tenant with
           seen affecting consumer behaviours both   panel of the upcoming V&A Waterfront   the most visually appealing and effective
           locally and globally. ‘Pragmatism appears   Neighbourhood Awards. With winners   store displays), and the Retail Service
           to be the overarching theme in retail at   to be announced on 19 September 2024,   Excellence Award (awarded to the retailer
           present,’ he says. ‘With the global economy   the newly launched awards celebrate the   who demonstrated exceptional customer
           taking  major  hits  and geopolitical   embodiment of retail excellence within the   service within their store). These
                                                                                accolades not only reward the key tenets
                                                                                of retail, but also highlight brands that are
                                                                                effectively navigating the trends Chang
                                                                                has outlined.
                                                                                  Tenants at the V&A Waterfront have
                                                                                continued to demonstrate a successful
                                                                                navigation of the local and international
                                                                                retail trends landscape, earning the V&A
                                                                                Waterfront the status as the best mall in
                                                                                South Africa (based on the average rating
                                                                                and the number of reviews received)
                                                                                according to the latest Urban Studies
                                                                                Shopper Index (USSI).       dw


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