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             Simbambili Game

                Lodge in Sabi

                Sands Nature

            Reserve undergoes


                 hornybush is proud to announce
                 the comprehensive refurbishment
           Tof Simbambili Game Lodge, an
           iconic  destination within the renowned
           Sabi Sands Nature Reserve. This
           refurbishment aims to preserve the
           lodge's storied history while enhancing
           its  status  as  a  premier  destination  for
           luxury safari experiences. As pioneers in
           the safari industry, Thornybush remains
           committed to preserving the legacy of
           Simbambili and Sabi Sands.
             Simbambili Game Lodge, celebrated for
           its intimate atmosphere, has undergone a
           transformation to improve  its  structure   are  designed  to  offer  guests  a  sanctuary   the sense of place and connection to the
           and layout. These upgrades now provide   of relaxation and rejuvenation. With the   natural environment.
           guests with a modernised, more advanced   global focus on conscious and healthy   Cate Simpson collaborated with local
           and luxurious experience.          living, Simbambili Game Lodge can now   artist  Nikhil  Tricam,  who  created  seven
             The main lodge area features a new   provide guests with a holistic experience   large-scale  murals  that grace various
           thatch roof, doors for a warmer dining   that  balances  wildlife encounters with   areas of the lodge, adding a contemporary
           space in winter, a new two-level deck,   wellness and relaxation. The Africology   edge to the natural vistas. These murals,
           and a firepit, the perfect setting for safari   Spa is dedicated to natural, holistic   painted  directly  onto  the  walls,  reflect
           evenings.  All soft furnishings have   healing and wellness, using products that   the unique shapes and patterns of the
           been refreshed, and a newly designed   celebrate South Africa's rich botanical   surrounding landscape.  “Nikhil, who is
           bar area has been introduced, offering a   heritage and indigenous plants such as   passionate about the bush, painted directly
           sophisticated yet cosy  environment  for   Rooibos, Aloe, and African Potato Bush.  onto the walls an almost whimsical and
           guests to relax and socialise. Enhancements   “The refurbishments have taken the lodge   contemporary take on the exquisite trees
           to the boma create a more inviting space   to the next level without losing the special   as a vista. He so cleverly highlights the
           for guests to gather and enjoy traditional   inviting, and homely feel of the lodge. Our   unique shapes and patterns that we see
           African cuisine under the stars, enhancing   newly  constructed  health and  wellness   as we cast our own eye across the front of
           the overall safari experience.     facility  is  unique.  It  offers  our  guests  the   the lodge – forcing guests to see in nature
             All rooms have received a refreshment,   tranquil environment to sit back and enjoy   what perhaps they would have missed,
           ensuring a blend of elegance and comfort   reading some of the books on offer in our   “says Cate Simpson.
           that aligns with the surrounding bush.   library,  bask  in  the  sun  at  the  communal   Threads  that Bind  Us,  inspired  by a
           Each suite features a private deck, plunge   swimming pool, work out at the gym, or   photo of the surrounding grasses, crafted
           pool, and shaded Sala bed, providing guests   enjoy a relaxing massage at the spa facility.   these into and embroidered cushion range.
           with an intimate and luxurious retreat.  With the introduction of the pizza, our   Lodge manager Mike Cowden’s  black-
             The former conference room and gym   guests are provided with the most delicious   and-white wildlife photography adorns the
           have been transformed into the new   homemade pizzas served to them hot as   room walls, adding a personal touch to this
           Africology Spa & Wellness Centre and   they sit beneath the pergola alongside the   couple-run lodge. Wildlife artist Warren
           library to offer guests an expanded range   pool” adds Manager Tania Cowden.    Cary contributed three magnificent leopard
           of options during their stay.  The state-of-  The refurbishment's interior design, led   paintings,  celebrating  the area's  prolific
           the-art spa offers two treatment rooms, a   by Cate Simpson of Reflecting Africa, aims   leopard sightings. “One of the standout
           gym, with an outside deck and swimming   to immerse guests in nature, ensuring   décor pieces is an intricately carved wooden
           pool. This space also includes an additional   the lodge harmonises with its setting.   crocodile skull by Hoedspruit artist Friday
           dining area with a weatherproof pergola-  The colour palette and design concepts   Jibu - it is masterfully precise in its detail”
           covered deck. The new wellness facilities   reflect the surrounding bush, enhancing   added Simpson.  dw

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